Chapter 9

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*in front of the house, olivia sits in her car, anticipating what will happen when she goes inside*

E: *calls out livs name*

O: *looks around* yea, I'm coming el, just give me a sec.

E: what's the matter, everything's okay? you're still gonna come inside right?

O: yea, I'll meet you there.

E: *smiles and walks inside*

*liv pulls out her phone and dials Amaros number*

*answering machine picks up*

"hey, you've reach nick. leave me a message and I'll return your call."


O: hey nick, I don't know what went on in the room, im pretty sure It made you feel less of a man. and I understand that, but you hurt me, I'll be here for you, and I always will but I don't think we should go out anymore. call me back, so we can talk..

*amaro on his apartment floor listening to the message and crying, not moving at all*


back at Elliot's

*liv excitedly finds her way inside the house*

O: el, where are you?

E: im upstairs. come on up!

O: *liv takes off her shoes and her jackets*

*looks around*

*walks up the steps*

*she reaches the top of the stairs and sees straight into the bedroom*

*her hearts drops*

*she stops walking*

*she images what her life would be like with elliot*

*elliot comes rushing out the master bedroom with a first aid kit in his hand*

E: liv, come here. let's fix you up.
* he says while reaching out to her face*

O: oh.. yea... right.
I forgot about that.

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