🥀Nightmares+Trust? 🥀

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Tommys POV:   

"Tommy?" A voice said behind me I recognize that voice.. Phil. 'Shit I didn't lock the door.' before I could react I was pulled into a tight embrace he says to get on my PJ's and he'll wait outside of the bathroom. 'I fucked up.. We'll probably have to have a talk..' I get changed and exit the bathroom. "How are you feeling bud? Nerves got to you?" Phil says in a whisper. "Uh, yeah" "Oh I see, I'll grab you a bucket why don't you get into bed." I nod and head into the room and over to the bed crawling in beside the sleeping Tubbo Phil comes into the room not to long later and puts the bucket down next to the bed. "Now for real this time good night bud" Phil says with a smile "Good night.." Once Phil left I drifted off to sleep.

"Tom Tom i'm hungry" Tubbo said he looked so thin and sick.. I know where we are "I know Tubs, I'll try and sneak some food." And with that I got up and snuck out of the room, 'It sounds like there in their room.' I snuck into the living room and then went over to the kitchen once I got into the kitchen I grabbed some bread. 'surely they wouldn't notice bread missing, right' I stuffed the bread in my pocket and ran out of the room meeting face to face with a man John Hamilton's his name he was one of my adoptive parents at the time "What are you doing out of your room?" He looked mad but once he noticed the bread in my pockets he look like he was going to kill me before I could do anything he started swinging, everything went dark. 

'BEEP----BEEP-----BEEP' I woke up to a beeping sound echoing through the house I knew this sound all too well it's the fire alarm. "TOMMY TOM!.. Help me!..." " I'm coming Tubbo If you see any cloth put it over your face!!"  I bolted to the room he was in but before I could get him I collapsed.

Technos POV      

I was just playing minecraft when I heard...'Crying?' I get out of my chair and exit my room it sounds like its coming from the boys room? I walk closer to there room and the sobbing got louder 'Yep definitely coming from there' I opened up the door seeing Tubbo trying call Tommy's name in attempt to wake him up and Tommy...Tommy was shaking and crying 'He's having a panic attack' I rush over and kneel down by the bed pushing the bucket to the other side of the room "Tommy..Tom I need you to wake up" I shook him lightly and he slowly awoken "Okay Tommy I need you to mimik my breaking okay and point out every pink and yellow thing you can see" I placed his hand on my chest  "I see your pink hair and T-Tubbo...Tubbo!!" "Tubbo is right behind you he is awake." He looks at Tubbo then continues naming things "I see your pink PJ's, I see Tubbo's yellow stripes on his PJ's" Tommy says in between sobs. Once his breathing is normal I pull him down so he's sitting on my lap and pulled him into a hug, Tubbo came down too and he snuggled up next to me and I pull him into the embrace too, They both fell asleep like that, me knowing I wasn't going to escape I fell asleep too.

Phil's POV (Time skip brought to you by Gogy)     

I woke up at my desk 'Not surprised I woke up here' I chuckled to myself 'I better go wake up the boys' I got up out of my chair and left my room making my way to the boys room 'Techno's door is open.. That's odd.' Once I arrived at the boys room I opened the door to see Tommy and Tubbo snuggling...Techno? 'He hates human contact, I wonder what happened. That doesn't matter right now what matters it taking a picture and waking them up' I snapped a picture quickly. "Boys it's time to wake up." Techno and Tommy woke up first Tubbo waking up a few minutes later "Good morning!" I said with a smile Tommy looked confused for a second then went back to looking relaxed "I am going to make breakfast, if you guys want I can put on a movie and once breakfast is made we can watch a movie with breakfast" They all nodded i'll take that as a yes, I left Tommy and Tubbos room and went over too Wil's room and to my surprise he was already awake. 

Tommy's POV    

I was confused as to why I woke up cuddling Techno until I remembered what happened last night, I  couldn't help but feel..Safe? I felt safe in Techno's embrace I felt like I could trust him, 'can I trust him? should I trust him?' 

    Chapter three doneee!!

If I missed any spelling errors don't hesitate to tell me :) 

Does Techno have a soft spot for Tommy and Tubbo? Is Tommy warming up to Techno?

Tommy + Tubbo Adoptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें