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They both seated on the wooden chair beside the beach. The chair is perfectly facing the shining moon and stars

When they both seated the only thing that they think is they miss going there

"i miss this" gun said while swinging his legs

"its been awhile since i last experience inner peace since the only thing i did wayback in manila is study, eat, sleep then repeat" gun said exhaustedly

"Haysst i already told you back then to take care of your self "

"Don't worry that much,tay. Sometimes off is inviting me to eat with him outside so I'm really fine" gun said while making ok sign

" you like him dont you?" tay said out of no where

"who?" gun asked cluelessly


Gun didn't answer tay he just lowered his head then watch his feet swing

"why are you lowing your head? Haha im just asking. for your information we already broke up 7 months ago" tay said

"i invited you to go here because i wanna say that you should never ever blame your self for not loving me anymore. You already told me before that you no longer feel me as your boyfriend then i accepted it because i know I'll be more hurt if you didn't say it by yourself. If i can forgive you , why can't you forgive your self? " tay asked

" i don't know, it's just that i feel guilty that why did i still not love you anymore its not like you hurt me or you've done something wrong to me. Im so sorry. " gun said

" why are you even saying sorry when there is nothing to sorry about? Dont cry you look ugly HAHAHA" tay said to lift up the mood

"nye nye" gun said while whipping his tears up

"lets go now so you can go to off your sugar plum humpy humpy" tay said playfully


FORGIVENESS | taygun Short Story Where stories live. Discover now