Quidditch Cup

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Readers POV:

As I walked in I saw my two favorite redheads chasing each other. They had stopped to look who came in.When they saw me both their faces lit up like little kids as they ran towards me and tackled me which made us all hit the ground bursting out laughing while my uncle made his way to find Arthur.

"Y/n we've missed you so much" Fred said as he held a hand out for me and hugged me.I took in his scent of fireworks, broomsticks and a hint of cinnamon.

"I've missed you, Freddie," I replied, still attached to the hug.

"Seriously, You have been here less than 5 minutes and you two are already snogging" George said, waiting for his hug.

"Shut it Georgina" he always hated when i called him that. That's why I love it.

"Is that y/n?" I heard Molly say as she made her way through the kitchen to give me a hug.

"Yes mum" the twins both said.

"Hello dear I've missed you so much.Now come here" Molly's hugs were the best they were a bit suffocating but in a nice way if that makes sense.

"Okay mum, i think she's about to suffocate" fred told molly as she pulled away from the hug and gave him a stare.

I made it just in time for breakfast even though I had just eaten. I loved Molly's cooking. It was way better than what I had back at home when my family was alive. The house elves were kind and the food was good but nothing is better than Molly cooking in my opinion.

"BOYS GET DOWN HERE" Molly yelled as Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Bill and Charlie made their way into the kitchen. I had some toast, some bacon and a fried egg. As I looked over to my dad who was still talking to Arthur. As we finished up I helped Molly with the dishes as everyone else got ready to go.

"Oh and thank you for giving me your ticket it really means a lot to me"

"No worries dear, i'm not a fan of quidditch anyways. Such a dangerous sport. My boys are always getting hurt while playing" She complained.But she was right too.

"EVERYONE C'MON DOWN WERE LEAVING" Arthur said. Everyone made their way down with their bags.

I hugged Molly and my dad goodbye. And made my way along with the group where I stood in between Fred and George as we started to talk about their upcoming products and quidditch while we walked towards a man who I learned was Amos diggory.

"Arthur, it's about time son" he said

" Sorry Amos, some of us had a bit of a sleepy start" Arthur replied looking directly at Ron who let out a yawn.

"This is Amos diggory everybody, works with me at the ministry." suddenly a boy came down from a tree. " This strapping young man must be Cedric, am i right" Arthur said while shaking his hand.

"Yes sir, this way" and lead us over to a path

I could feel eyes on me while Cedric indrudenced himself. It was Fred. Why is he acting like this? Probably because of the quidditch game last year. We lost because Cedric had caught the snitch before Harry did. I didn't really know him that well, but i have to admit he is cute. I decided to go over and introduce myself, but he came over first.

" Y/n lupin right?" he asked

" yup" i replied with a smile

" so are you excited for the game of course?"

" Yes i can't wait i absolutely love quidditch and i always wanted to go see a game but i prefer playing rather than watching" i said

"I agree, especially since we beat gryffindor last year" he said with a smirk

You okay love? - Fred Weasley X  ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora