Chapter 1

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I have been posting this story online already but, thanks to a friends encouragement I have decided to post it here as well.  On the other site I go by Tulilly so please don't worry.

I truly enjoyed playing Dragon Age but it always bothered me that regardless of the race and history of the character you play they all react the same after talking to Riordan. I know there are certain limitations to games, but that's why there's Fanfiction and imagination. I can't remember the exact dialogue.

Unfortunately I don't own Dragon Age or the Characters.

A Change to the Script

Lyna Mahariel, Dalish Elf and Grey Warden couldn't believe what she had just heard. She had always wondered why it had to be a Grey Warden that had to slay the Archdemon and now she knew. If anyone but a Grey warden killed the Archdemon then the Blight would continue, but if a Grey Warden delivered the killing blow then the old god soul would enter the Grey Warden and they would both die. There was no way that she was going to let Alistair take that blow. After everything they had been through, Fen-harel take her if she did.

"I will take the final blow." she announced. She felt Alistair stiffen behind her but refused to turn to him. Instead she kept eye contact with Riordan.

"It is brave of you to volunteer but the duty is mine. I am nearer to my Calling than you." the older man said somberly. "but let us not worry on this for now. First we must get the Archdemons attention".

The three Wardens spoke for a while longer, throwing ideas around until Riordan declared that they should get some rest. Once in the hallway Alistair strode past Lyna heading towards his chamber. She knew he was angry that she had volunteered to take the final blow should anything happen to Riordan. Lyna knew that it was the only option. She would not put her life above that of the country or of the man that she still loved. Alistair was going to be a good King, she could feel it.

Looking up, Lyna saw that she had stopped walking just around the corner from the chambers that she had been given by Arl Eamon. Her legs refused to move as she could not bring herself to go to them. For an Elf that had been raised in the woods and plains she felt suffocated by the walls. Though she had slept in buildings before, she had always felt more at home at camp with the sky, the stars and moon overhead.

The young Warden found herself walking once again, this time to the exit of the castle. Knowing she would find no rest within the walls she made her way to the camp of Dalish Elves that had joined their army.


Morrigan had thought that waiting for Lyna in her chambers would be a good idea as she needed to speak with her. In truth, she had wanted to tell her about the ritual for some time but had not thought either of the Wardens would believe her. When she had seen Alistair striding to his chambers, grim faced, she knew that Riordan had told them the real role of the Grey Wardens.

Knowing her young and impulsive friend would volunteer to be the one to take the final blow Morrigan knew that she had to tell her now of the ritual which could save her life. In all her life she had made no friends until this young Dalish Elf had appeared and found her way into her heart. Morrigan saw Lyna as more of a sister and didn't want such a dire fate for the young woman.

As the light from the candles started to fade Morrigan started to worry. Where is Lyna? She should have been back some time ago. Venturing into the hallway she asked a passing servant if she had seen the Warden. She was informed that the Warden had left the castle some time ago and had not returned.

A Change of the ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now