somewhere only we know

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~•~•~• soooo TW!! There may be some abuse and swearing!!! I like this song and I instantly thought about writing about this and I hope you will like it ~•~•~•~•

Silence, you were sleeping in your bed cuddling with your plushie and snow was starting to fall.

Your brother Yoongi was sleeping in his room when the door of the house shut open and the sound of some glass smashing made you wake up.

You touched your bruises from the last time he came home remembering what happened

" daddy is a meanie I dun want him to hurt me"
you said to your plushie as tears started falling and you hid under the blankets.

The door of your room opened as you prepared for the worst.
He came in and started swearing at you.

"You fucking piece of shit!! Do you have any idea how many problems you give to me???'"
He kicked you in the stomach and started punching you in the face.

"Can't you be fucking normal??? You are such a burden to everyone!  You should just kill yoursel-"
you heard a smash and your dad fell on the floor as Yoongi stood over him.

You immediately started crying and he rushed to you and picked you up and walking to his room.

"Why daddy doesn't love me??" You sobbed in his arms as he gently stroked your hair.

"He is not your daddy anymore ok?"
He whispered in your ear
" I love you and that is enough"
You looked at your plushie "Does kumamon love me too?" You asked.
He chuckled as tears started falling.

"Of course he loves you"

You giggled and started playing with kumamon as yoongi watched and played with your hair.

" y/n?" He called " yes Yoonie?" Yoongi hugged you close and kissed your forehead " someday we will go far away from dad, in a place where he can't find us, somewhere only we know, I promise!".

Yoongi X Little Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now