Chapter 8

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Zayn POV

It was now the next day, and I was thinking about, going over to Harry's to start our project. I was very nervous to go over, but I was kind of okay with the idea of going over there because, we've been talking, and we're childhood friends.

I walk back downstairs and go into the kitchen to see Niall, and set my bag on a chair. "Niall I might be away for awhile, but it wont be long I hope," I told him grabbing a snack, so I wouldn't be hungry later.

"Why? Where are you going?" He asked me. "I'm going to study at a friends, for a science project." I replied, starting to grab my bag.

"What friend?" He questioned. "An old friend that i've recently gotten to know better" I told him, smiling a bit.

"Do you want me to take you over there, and do you need a ride back?" He asked me. "I don't know yet, I'm still trying to figure out what we're going to do our project about," I replied, thinking of everything we could do.

"Okay, well you know you can call me." He said coming over to me grabbing his keys, that were beside me.

"I'm taking, because I have a few errands to run anyway." He said walking towards the door.

I got a ding on my phone looking down seeing a message from Harry.


Harry: Are you coming over today?

I open my phone texting a quick 'Yes' back to him, and following Niall quickly after.

Harry: Okay, just so you know I got someone coming over later so our time will be very short lasted.

Zayn: That's fine as long as we come up with an Idea for our project.

Harry: Thank you for being so understanding.

Zayn: No problem. I'll cya later.

Harry: Cya.

I put my phone away, getting in the car with Niall. Good thing I got a ride from Niall, I literally would've been walking forever.

Time Skip

I knock on Harry's door and wait there for about 2 minutes. I hear the door click and then open to see a pretty lady, who I'm assuming is Harry's mom.

"Hi Zayn, I remember you when you we're just a child. Come on in." She says opening the door wider to let me in. "Do you remember me?" She asks, looking at me waiting for my response.

"I do remember you Anne, how could I forget my childhood best friends mother." I say walking in and giving her a quick side hug. "Harry's room is just upstairs to the right, if you want anything just come down and I'll be in the kitchen or living room." She tells me pointing to all of the places, I nod giving a soft thank you and walk up to Harry's room, already knowing where is was from childhood memories.

I knock on his bedroom door and hear a faint 'come in'. I open the door and see Harry sitting there on his bed, looking up from his phone to the door. "Look who it is, in the flesh." He says as I walk closer to him, nervously. I look around his room, the familiar essence of this room feels strange.

I walk over timidly to his bed and sit down, "You don't have to be nervous Zayn" He says calmly, "I know it's just, we haven't talked in so long, and the fact that we were messaging each other without knowing we were childhood friends." I say shyly, my stomach hurting from the nerves I was feeling. "It's ironic, it has to mean something." I say, kicking my feet back and forth, "It is very ironic" He says looking to the floor, like he was in thought.

"Okay, we can think later, project now." He says grabbing a notebook and a pencil 'It's like it was the universe bringing us together, and I don't want to be one of those ones to say anything about the universe doing this and that, but cmon think about it.' I think to myself.

"Zayn, are you listening?," He questions, pulling me out of my train of thought, "Uh yeah, yeah i'm listening." I blush out of embarrassment, knowing I was deep in thought. 'I know i'm going to struggle with this project because I can't even focus on what he's saying.' I think.

I grab my books out of my bag for our project. "We're going to need a lot pf ideas because there might be people that do same ones we think of." "Yeah, let's come up with at least 5."He says, looking in thought of what ideas to do. I smile to myself knowing this is someone I used to hang out with everyday as a kid.



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