Familiar Face

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Patrol was going just fine and in a split second everything went wrong. Mirio and Midoriya both tend to go on patrol together, their success with saving Eri was recognized by Nezu and their bond would make them nearly impossible to beat.

They had run into a child who was running away from their parents, they were having a visible quirk malfunction and the two heroes stayed back at a safe distance. Midoriya of course tried talking her down since Mirio's bold greetings tend to be very bold and upfront. The girls quirk unfortunately shot out of her in all directions. Since Midoriya had been standing before Mirio, it resulted in the younger boy getting struck.

Mirio ended up leaving the girl there as the mother was approaching and the girl seemed to have no more energy to use her quirk and cause harm. Midoriya on the other hand, wasn't there. Rather than the hero in training, it was a child with shoulder length green hair and an odd tattoo on her neck.

Mirio scooped her up, wherever she came from, Midoriya must've gone to. Doing what first came to mind Mirio simply carried the unconscious child back to UA in a fit of panic. All Might and Aizawa had just gotten out of a teachers conference with Nezu only to find Midoriya was missing and an unknown young girl was in Mirio's arms.

All Might seemed reasonably panicked, glancing down the hallway to see if Midoriya was coming, "Mirio! Where is Midoriya?"

"I-I don't know! A little girl had a quirk malfunction and shot at Midoriya! Then in a split second he was gone and a girl was laying right where he was."

Aizawa raised a brow, his arms crossed, "Did you even figure out what the little girls quirk was?"

All Might turned a bit, directing his attention on the black haired male as he raised his brow, "How do we know this little girl isn't Midoriya?"

Aizawa shook his head, turning on his heel, "All Might and Mirio, go to Recovery Girl and call over officer Tsukauchi he can question the girl to offer us information."

Mirio raised a brow, slightly anxious and unsure of what was going to happen, "Mister Aizawa? Where are you going?"

Aizawa rubbed his temples at his plan, knowing very well he will regret it, "I'm going to talk to Bakugo and retrieve Midoriya's notebooks to see if there is anything that can help us figure out where my student is."

All three heroes nodded and ran off to do their job. The situation was somewhat odd; Midoriya was missing and a random little girl appeared. They have no clue on where Midoriya was or what was going to happen.

Walking into the section of UA where the dorms were, Aizawa approached class 1-A's block. Opening the door, he spotted a couple students in the kitchen snacking, another group was watching the television, and some others simply lounging around on their phones and enjoying the weekend.

Momo was the first to notice Aizawa and sat down her phone. "Hello sensei. What brings you here?"

"I need Bakugo," Aizawa sighed, blowing a hair that had fell in his face.

Bakugo himself had been in the common room watching television. Growling, he narrowed his eyes at the teacher. "What the hell? I didn't even do anything!"

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, revealing he was not in the mood for this. "I don't want to be talking with you either but it's about Midoriya."

The entire room went silent, Bakugo's face fell slightly. Midoriya had been on patrol with Mirio. One single thought ran through his mind.

Something happened to Deku.

Bakugo was concerned and no one even dared to tease him on his sudden care of the green haired boy.

My Name is Gilda MidoriyaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz