|| 025|| Sleeping Headcanons 💀🐔🐙🔱🔎 O/F

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Art by ArkFordArt on twitter

Hololive English cuddling Headcannons

Announcement at the end


Mori Calliope

💀 No matter what she says, Calli is big on cuddling while you two sleep

💀 Prefers to be the big spoon as it feels like she's protecting you, but if you insist she's still fine on being the small spoon

💀 Won't say anything about it, but she likes to listen to your heartbeat when she falls asleep. It helps calm her down

💀 You sleeping fully though the night is a coin flip, depending on if Calli talks in her sleep that night

💀 After Ina suggested it, you tried talking to Calli while she sleep talked. It worked and you ended up having a rather insightful talk about cats and how cute they were. Calli also talked about how she wanted to maybe adopt a cat. You asked her about it the next morning and she had no memory of it

💀 Gets rather embarrassed whenever you bring up her sleep talking. In defence, she'll bring up a sleeping habit you have, but it doesn't work as well as it works on the Tsundereaper

💀 100% has a pair of skull print soft pyjamas. Calli looks rather adorable in them and they're extremely soft, so no complaining from you

💀 By the time you wake up it'll be too late as Calli will have a vice grip on you. More often than not you'll have to wait for Calli to wake up before you can get up

💀 She is s o f t, might be embarrassed about it at first, but she'll let you use her chest as a pillow, though you have to be on your best behaviour

💀 You once woke up and caught her playing with your hair while she watched you sleep

Takanashi Kiara

🐔 Phoenix is extremely clingy on a daily basis, so when you two cuddle this is no different

🐔 Kiara is probably one of the best cuddle buddies out there. Not only is she extremely soft, she's also incredibly warm

🐔 Says she doesn't mind if she's the small or large spoon, but Kiara secretly loves being cradled by you.

🐔 Sometimes she'll hand feed you snacks she's eating if you're just having an afternoon cuddle session. Mostly consists of KFP, but it'll sometimes be German chocolate she either finds or orders

🐔 One of your most traumatic memories happened while you were cuddling Kiara. Let's just say it involved a phoenix at the end of it's life (read phoenix down for a better idea)

🐔 Once Casper came out of nowhere and Kiara screamed in your ear when she saw him. Two minutes later and you were still nursing your hearing while Kiara kept apologising over and over again

🐔 Sometimes Kiara will overheat while she sleeps. One of two things will happen, either you wake up then and take a cold shower, or you wake up in the morning and take a shower

🐔 Kiara will melt and become putty in your hands as soon as you start doing anything soft to her. Petting or playing with her hair is a good example

🐔 Has some of the worst case of 'I'll get up in five minutes' you'll ever see.

🐔 You've caught her making bird sounds while she sleeps. If your lucky, she'll start whistling softly

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