Chapter 3

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I tried to keep my mind off the man sitting beside me, I felt like if I just thought about him he would know, and so started people watching again. Well at least I tried to. When I say I tried I mean I did create a story for a guy passed out on a table but kept losing my place because of the gaze burning into my side. It took my restraint to not turn and see who was looking at me. People taking notice of me as the opposite of what I wanted and if anyone did I just ignored them until they stopped looking. Most people have short attention spans and I would just become another nameless girl sitting at the bar. I snuck a glance to my left to the guy who had walsted into the bar. He sat shoulders hunched with a beer. He didn't smile and simply ignored everyone else in the bar. Although he did not seem like an introvert. His entrance proved he didn't really give a damn. I swivelled in my chair, as he once again felt my gaze and turned his head towards me, and I ended up staring directly into the eyes of a man that I immediately knew had been the one burning a hole in my back. I gulped at his intense stare and looked away ashamed at my myself for doing such a stupid thing. I hoped that the man just stop but staring but he didn't, I still felt his gaze. And I heard a set of footsteps make their way over to me.
I squirmed in my seat as I heard a manly but sluggish voice try to mutter seductively
"Hey baby."
I refused to turn round to face him and tried to ignore his breath on my neck.
"What's a you doing here?"
Continuing to stay silent I signalled the bar man for another drink.
"Hey!" I felt a hand grab my shoulder roughly and turn me around. "I'm talking to you girl." the man growled into my ear. He was quite handsome but looked the definition of steaming.
Removing his hand from my shoulder I told him calmly (with a little flare of sass)
"You may be talking but I'm not listening. Now if you excuse me-"
I shoved him out of the way and made my way to the stinky bathroom to wait til he left.
Okay, I didn't stay in the bathroom til he left. I waited for as long as I could bear then slipped into a secluded booth and leaned against the seat. My eyes drooped heavy with sleep and I unintentionally drifted off to sleep.
When I awoke I had a crick in my neck and the bar was almost completely empty except for a group of men that I couldn't distinguish and the mystery man with the eyes of an old man. I could only guess the time but it had to be late. Unluckily the bar did not have any rooms, it may have been damp there but I can't really afford to judge establishments and a bed here would have been great, neither did it stay open all night. It could only assume that it would be shutting soon. With a sigh I trudged over to the door. Why oh why did the weather have to be so crap? With a groan I pushed the door open, bracing for the cold ass wind. None came. A hand, larger than mine stopped the door from opening and it's owner loomed over my 5ft 8 frame.
I turned slowly cursing internally and was met with the face of the drunk man earlier who had tried to flirt (though I really couldn't call it flirting).
But this time he was even more drunk and the second I made eye contact it was like I challenged his dominance.
"Where ya goin girlie." he hissed.
"Away." I kept my reply short and snappy as I tried to pull the door open.
But yet again he slammed it shut.
He grabbed the top of my arm and pulled me into his chest holding me there.
" Not yet girlie," he slurred "what about we have some fun." He brought his face down to mine and smashed his lips into mine. I used my hands, that were crushed between his body and mine to try push myself away from me. I became overcame with anger as the pictures on the walls began to shake. I struggled to separate myself from him and did they first thing I thought of.
I bit his lip.
The shock of this action caused him to jump back and I used this moment of distraction to shove him away and yanked open the door.
I stumbled into the abyss of darkness and my hair swirled in the wind. My eyes watered and not just because of stinging cold of the wind. I heard the door of the pub swing open behind me and the pounding of footsteps. A drunken laugh rang out in the darkness .
"You're feisty aren't ya"
Suddenly with horror I realised I wasn't on the road. I paused for a moment as I squinted to take in my surroundings. I saw the dark outline of trees. I must have wandered into the forest behind the bar. Just as I was about to run back towards the road I felt an arm wrap around my waist.
The man lifted me up and I let out a breathless shriek in surprise. I squirmed in his arms and kicked about trying to hit whatever part of him I could.
A snap of wood could be heard overhead. My head spun and suddenly I was crashed against a tree. Instinctively I brought up a knee to try and widen the space between us. He smashed his mouth to mine once more. I tried to move my head and push him away but he had me pinned to the tree -I continued to squirm because I wasn't giving up- my anger started building and I could feel the heat rise to my face. When his hand trailed down my back I was shaking with anger. More cracking sounds could be heard overhead and branches began pelting down onto the mans back. When his hand started travelling lower my anger exploded. Like a volcano my anger spilled forward and the man was sent flying backwards in the air. Pushed by an invisible force.
By my invisible force.

Thank you for reading my story so far 😄
I'm not sure about the chapter but really wanted to update
It's a very clichéd plot device and I'm sorry if it's at all disrespectful or just not right to use in a story.
If anyone feels that it is please just tell me and I can change it as there is a kinda serious occurrence in here 😌

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