Chapter 1- How it all started

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Wilbur's POV

I woke up and yawned, today was the start of my Junior year in Highschool. My family had to move due to my dad losing his job, we couldn't afford to live in our old house, which is why we live in a tan two story house. It was pretty decent sized and was beautifully decorated inside but I preferred my old house more.

I'm getting off topic. We have lived here at one point. But that was when I was first born, around 3 years after that we moved. But now we're back in this shitty town, well nothing I can do now might aswell make the best of it.

I get out of bed and head to the shower.

Time skip brought to you by your lazy author <3

I get out of the shower and get dressed.

( I usually make a whole outfit change but I'm lazy ._. )

I went to the kitchen and threw some bread in the toaster, I waited for a minute or so and then it popped out, I grabbed the toast and went to the fridge grabbing the butter and then grabbing a butter knife.

After I buttered my bread I walked out the door and got into my car. I took out my keys and after a few tries my car started, I slowly backed out of my driveway and drove to hell while eating my toast. (Yummy toast ^°^)

I turned on the radio and just listened to music while I drove, I was exhausted but I made sure to keep my eyes open. (stay safe kids) I kept driving and finally arrived.

I park and turn off my car, I get out and lock my doors before walking towards the entrance of the school. It was decent looking I guess, I walk in and look around.

There were students all around, some grabbing stuff from their lockers or just talking, but everyone was standing with someone. I felt so awkward, I didn't know anybody so I stood alone, I slowly made my way through the crowd of people and started looking for the principal's office.

I keep walking for a bit before finally stumbling upon a door saying 'principals office' I hear somebody talking inside. I open the door and walk inside, it was a nicely decoreated room, I look to the front and see a woman and a student speaking.

"I didn't do anything!" The boy yelled at the woman who I assume is the principal. "Jonathan please calm down." The principal says before being yelled at by the angry boy again, "It's Schlatt, not Jonathan for your information!" Schlatt yelled at the principal once more.

The principal sighed and met my eyes, "Oh dear, hello what can I do for you sir?" She asked politely, I don't understand why that kid was being so rude, she seems so friendly. "Oh! Sorry to interrupt ma'am. I sorta need my schedule.." I mumble embarrassed to have interupted.

"Oh, of course." She smiled at me before rummaging through her desk and pulling a paper out. She stared at the boy, Schlatt, before speaking again, "Be a dear and hand this to Mr- Uhm.." She trailed off at the end so I helped, "Wilbur Soot." I say smiling nicely at her.

"Oh of course." She says smiling back before looking back at Schlatt. "Hand this to Mr. Soot please-- Schlatt." She said handing him the paper and looking back down at what she was doing before both boys interrupted. The boy walked up to me and handed me the paper smiling sarcasticly and then looking me up and down with a predator gaze.

'A bet is a bet'        A Wilbur x Schlatt storyWhere stories live. Discover now