Chapter 2:\\ First Acceptance

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"Bailey! Guess what came in the mail today?" Amy squealed when I walked in. Our parents were out of town again, so that meant we'd have to fend for ourselves for dinner.

"What?" I asked, bored as my eyes landed on the handsome boy that was stretched out across our living room couch. His lips were bright pink and swollen— probably from kissing Amy. He didn't seem bothered by my presence, but I was repulsed by his.

Aaron Paul. I'd heard his name circulating around the school the past few weeks. Truth be told, I had asked around because I was curious about the character of the man that my sister was dating. He wasn't kind, he wasn't friendly, but somehow everyone loved him. All I saw was a pretty face and an insecure smirk. But then again, I didn't know him personally so I didn't want to make any judgements based on rumors. I tried to push the negative thoughts away. He made Amy very happy and that was what mattered.

"You got accepted to Hinkley University!" She squealed, rushing over to me with the open envelope in her slim fingers. Her nails were painted a light pink that matched her complexion. "I'm so happy for you!" She hugged me, tight and strong as I smiled. Pinkley had been my first choice and thus, it was one of the two schools I had applied to.

My classmates had been getting their acceptances over the two weeks since school had started back up again. For me, it took two and a half weeks to finally get my first acceptance. And honestly, while I was excited about the Hinkley acceptance, I was more excited to share this moment with Amy. I almost wanted to tell Aaron to go outside for a few minutes so I can be excited with my sister.

Like he had read my mind, he excused himself and went to the kitchen to get some water. I was thankful for the happy coincidence.

"Well, are you going to go?" Amy asked, still staring at me through bright blue eyes. She looked like a child again, the innocent smile on her face made her glow.

Finally, I stepped back to look at the open envelope. I didn't mind that she'd opened it; I didn't mind that she'd found out first. I was just happy to spend time with her. My eyes skimmed the document, passing over the 'Congratulations Bailey!' until the 'Sincerely,
Kyler Pound
Chancellor of Hinkley University"

I turned the paper over, wondering if that was all, if there were any instructions on what to do next. Amy watched me, I could feel her excitement as she plopped down on the couch with a content smile on her face.

There was another page attached. Curiously, I fingered the flap at the top, moving it so I could separate the two pages.

INVITATION TO HINKLEY UNIVERSITY OVERNIGHT PROGRAM was written at the top in giant bold letters, and again, the bottom contained the same sincerely sentiment, signed by the chancellor. I didn't know colleges held overnight programs, I wondered what it was even about.

"They invited me to their overnight program!" I announced and Amy squealed in excitement, even though she also probably didn't know what that was.

"So you're going to go, right?" She exclaimed, "across the state, my last sister is going to leave me alone..." she said. But she was sarcastic, unable to contain her smile. Amy was most-definitely my best support system.

Aaron walked back in a second later and congratulated me on my acceptance. I thanked him. I wanted him to leave, just for one day. He'd spent time with Amy for the last three weeks. I didn't know what had happened over winter break, but I knew that I didn't want him to be around this much.

"I should probably head home." I heard Aaron say, my eyes widened. It felt like I was controlling his actions today and I was excited that he'd finally decided to leave. Shortly after his announcement, Amy was repeatedly saying telling him that he didn't have to leave. She stood up and walked around, grabbing a muscular arm.

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