Chapter 1

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It is stupid. He admitted. He probably won't survive a day outside of his comfort zone. I mean he had been sheltered all his life! His needs were always being offered and he had not experienced many difficulties such as looking for a job to fend for himself... which he should probably look for as soon as he can.

Ye Qiu sighed as he set upon his last gaze on his well-furnished room. This would be the last time in a while that he would be living here after all. While it was an idea to get away from this place, he was not naive to think that he would be able to get away for so long. He belongs to a conglomerate family. A runaway? He would be very lucky if after getting caught, he would be able to even step out a single step out of the house. Even if he is just a second born, he still has duties and that is to assist his older brother, Ye Xiu with handling their family business in the future.

Speaking of his brother, he would probably get locked down after his actions today. He snickered. Well, whatever. It would be worth it to inconvenience his brother for all the teasing he had to endure from him! His father would get enraged. Heh. How dare I try to tarnish the Ye Family name by being so mediocre and then had the gall to just escape? Just thinking about it makes him feel so giddy! No matter how many headaches this will bring to his father, he won't regret a single thing. That old man had already ruined so many things. Aneurism is the least he could tolerate for him. Ye Qiu chuckled darkly, thinking about making those two suffer just makes this decision of his so, so worth it. He ignored the little voice voicing its concern for his brother's true reaction. He knows that no matter how much he gets bullied by Ye Xiu in his brother's minuscule heart, he cared a lot. And that's saying something as he's emotionally constipated and sucks in social cues.

Hmph! Knowing that brother of his, he would probably be the one to track him down just to spite him. Tsk. He squashed the guilt with that knowledge in mind. They will soon be reunited. He has no doubt.

He went to get the readied luggage that he had prepared prior to the day. He checked off the lists that his brother had unknowingly said to him. After being satisfied, he glanced back one last time to say I'll be back.

He dragged his things out of his room. He looked at his key, pondering whether he should leave it or just carry it as a keepsake for whenever he would plan to sneak in.

He got a lot of weird looks from the workers currently in the house but no one stopped him as he made his way to his mother's office. It took a while before he reached his destination. A trace of piano melody can be heard muffled right inside the door. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Mama? It's Ye Qiu, can I talk to you for a while? I just have something to say." He quickly said without stopping. He was really nervous that he spoke in quickly. Almost entangling his words together in an overlap. No matter how much he resents his father right now, the opposite could be said for his female counterpart.

Madame Ye was... simply amazing. She was perfect in any way. A businesswoman, pianist, wife, and mother. She was beautiful, gentle, and cunning. Although her background was not as prestigious compared to Father Ye, it is saying something for his father to almost give up his right to inherit the Ye Corporation just to be with her. It was rumored to be a blemish on the Ye Family's part but she proved them all wrong when she successfully scammed them a good deal disadvantageous to those who mocked the family after months of planning. Hearing those stories for their bedtime stories always made Ye Qiu and Ye Xiu's day. They greatly admire the tenacious and always constant river flow that is their mother.

The door creaked open and Ye Qiu was startled back to reality. Peeking through the gaps of the opened door is his mother. He saw her visible eye moved up from his face and down to the handle of the bag he's planning to get away with. He laughed hesitantly. While he knows his mother won't punish him, it might change the moment she found out that he is planning on risking his life in the wild without any concrete back-up plans.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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