A Conclusion and a Shared Smile

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(A/N): A few things. First of all, I ran out of genderbent Star-Lord pictures, so have a meme. Second of all, HOW THE HECK DOES THIS STORY HAVE SO MANY READS?!?! THERE ARE MORE THAN 800!!! WHAT THE HECK!?!? DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT TO READ MY RANDOM CRAP!?!?! IF YOU ARE STILL HERE, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ALSO NEED TO TURN OFF CAPS LOCK. HANG ON. Okay, that's better. Third of all, should I write vol 2 in the same book or make another one? I'm new to this and have no idea what's better. Forth of all, I'm considering making another book with gotg preferences, imagines, and requests. The only problem is I'm terrible at writing love for anyone but Rocket... Fifth of all, this chapter will be short. Sixth of all, why are you still reading the author's note? Go read the story!

We're standing in a room, getting confused by Nova Prime and Dey. By we, I mean Peter, Gamora and me. And by confused, I mean they're trying to tell us that Peter and I share the same dad, and Peter's only half human and I'm only half fire elf. You get the point.

"Why would you even know this?" I ask them.

"When we arrested you, we noticed an anomaly in both of your nervous systems, so we had it checked out," Dey replies.

"I'm not Terran?" Peter asks incredulously.

"I'm actually related to this idiot?" I ask incredulously.

"(Y/N), sorry, but you are," Nova Prime tells me.

"It's okay. I've been adopted to him for a while."

"As for Peter, You are half Terran. Your mother was of earth. Your father, well, he's something very ancient we've never seen here before. The same father we found of (Y/N). Her mother was a fire elf," Nova Prime turns to me, "Being only half fire elf could be why your powers are on the fritz."

Gamora, being the smart one, interrupts before I can go off on the head of the Nova Corps about my powers.

"That could also be why you two were able to hold the stone for as long as you did."

Before we can respond, Rocket and Drax walk into the room, and Nova Prime announces their arrival, even though we can clearly see they're there!

"Your friends have arrived. On behalf of the Nova Corps, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar. If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you."

"Thank you, Nova Prime," Peter and I chorus

"Thank you," Gamora says in a much more sincere manner.

We follow Denarian Dey.

While we are following Denarian Dey, Gamora and I fall back with Drax. Gamora speaks up to him.

"Your wife and child shall rest well knowing that you have avenged them."

His response: "Yes. Of course, Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos I need to kill."

Gamora and I stop walking to ponder this. After Drax has left us in the dust, I turn to her.

"That's not gonna go well, is it?"

"Nope." And we both burst out laughing, before walking together to the platform where the others are waiting for us.

When we get there, my jaw drops to the floor. It...it's the Milano? But that was destroyed. How... why... what?

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