13) Working on Believing

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As far as warnings go, I'm not sure there is one to name that isn't in this chapter, though mostly they are just mentions nothing graphic Also, this is a beast of a chapter, but that's because it has snippets from all over the CIOaR – and it's from Matt's POV.

Anyway, the warnings: violence, blood, death, death of an (unborn) child, thought of suicide and a suicide, your typical AoS stuff... and few guests ;)


"Are you seeing any of this?"
"Seeing, still working on believing."

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark in Avengers (2012)


Matt felt... hollow.

Once, there had been a raging sea of emotion, growling and trying to claw its way out – he had been calling it the devil. The devil inside him. Now he was sure that he truly did have a smidge of Satan in his heart; but strangely enough, that smidge didn't feel dark. It just felt like a void where his soul should be.

He would never forget the day Caitlin Snow said his name in that tone, one single syllable that sent his whole world crushing down even before the statement itself followed.

He would never forget the day the peculiar warm electricity hummed in the apartment and Cisco appeared out of nowhere, followed by the Flash himself.

"We have a big big problem," was all he said instead of a greeting, causing Matt to blink furiously as he eased his fighting stance once he was sure that no enemy had broken in – only friends from Central City. And they had probably came in via a portal.

Losing his stance did not equal relaxing however, seeing as Cisco announced a big big problem.

"What's going on?"

Barry's heart always ran very fast, fluttering like a hummingbird's, but for Cisco, it was an unusual occurrence; and Matt could taste fear and anxiety in the air.

"I had a vision," the man explained, gulping, the material of his vigilante suit rusting as he shifted uncomfortably, hand clenching into a fist and unclenching again. "And I saw you die."

Funnily enough, that wasn't the strangest thing Matt had ever heard – in fact, it wasn't the first time he was told about a precise image of him dying in the future and he had heard weirder too. In the world where metahumans existed, where Terri had a vision about Vera's death and prevented it, where a man had earned special abilities by punching a dragon and aliens rained from the sky... yeah, it was perfectly possible for someone to see the future.

Not that the weird got any easier to grasp at with time, didn't get any less scary. And the solutions for this sort of trouble never got easier either.

"Is he having a panic attack?" Matt heard distantly and shook his head to snap himself back to the present.

Right. Reaction.

"What do we do about it?"

"Well, we preferably remove you so you don't get killed," Barry blurted out, sounding as if he was doubting Matt's sanity, not that Matt could blame him. "Unless you want to be stabbed to death?"

Matt took a shuddering breath, trying to settle the icy fear in his gut, desperately trying to comprehend what was happening and attempting to follow nothing but cold logic.

"Well, no, but if I don't get killed, then what if the killer-" Fuck, he didn't even want to think it, let alone finish that sentence- his heart was squeezed in a brutal fist of horror, air turning heavy in his lungs. "-what if they wait here and run into Vera?"

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