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Rachel woke from a pleasant dream. There had been a sound. Again.
Someone was knocking on the door of her cabin at the hot springs spa.

"Who's there?"

"Hi, sorry to wake you, it's Susan."

Susan. Susan had been in her dream. Rachel had left the door unlatched.
"Come in," she said, sitting up and pulling the blankets around her.

"I'm sorry, Rachel, we thought--oh, don't you look wonderful?" The scent of
coffee floated in with Susan's youthful energy and filled the room. Rachel
felt her skin get hot.

"I just woke up, forgive me," Rachel said, smoothing her hair.

"No, I'm sorry. I hoped you'd be awake. Mom and I wondered if you'd like to
come over and have your coffee with us. We brought a thermos over from the
dining hall."

Rachel's mind created an image of Susan and Joan in bed together, holding
coffee mugs with fingers that smelled of each other's juice.

"Sounds wonderful. Just let me pee and I'll be right over."

"Hurry!," Susan turned and ran out the door.

Rachel threw back the blankets and stepped into the bathroom. When she wiped
herself, she was already wet. She stepped to the mirror, brushed her hair,
and her teeth. She looked at herself. Was this really happening or was she
still dreaming?

It's just coffee.

(No it isn't.) You are a pervert who is letting her imagination run away
with her. (They invited you.)

Rachel thought she looked both scared and happy. She wasn't sure if she
wanted to look sexy. What if she were wrong about these women? She just meet
them. (But you heard them having sex.)  Maybe she was a pervert, obsessed
with a kinky fantasy and seeing it everywhere. Pervert? Perhaps. But she
would wear her silk robe again, and if they were perverts too, she was among


Susan had jumped back into bed and cuddled down next to me before Rachel
arrived. We both shouted "Come in!" at the same time, and then smiled at
each other. We were so excited, and hopeful. Rachel's hand,  and then her
head, entered our little cabin. Her cup of coffee awaited her on the bedside
table. There was nowhere to sit but the foot of our bed.

"Here's your coffee!," my daughter said, "We noticed you took it with cream,
no sugar." Rachel smiled and visibly relaxed at her courtesy, which was a
relief since the expression on her face when she saw us in bed together,
naked, was a little hard to read. If she buthad guessed already, she must
know now. But I wasn't sure how she felt about it. I think I saw her shiver,
and the room was warm. We had made sure the room was warm.

Rachel approached the bed and seemed unable to look at us directly. She
picked up her coffee, and looked around for a chair.

"There's no where to sit, dear, you know how these little cabins are all
bed. Can you make yourself comfortable with us?" I asked her, and tried not
to sound salacious. I handed her one of the too-many pillows the resort

"Love to," Rachel said gamely, and climbed up. She was wearing that pretty
silk robe I'd seen her the day before, the one that didn't hide her little
nipples. When she sat on the end of the bed, her robe opened, and I could
see the curve of her breast. Just a few more minutes.... I hoped. I hoped.

Rachel settled in, and took a sip of coffee. "Oh, that's good, thank you."
And she smiled at me. Good, now she could look at us, and really see that
yes, her new mom and daughter friends were naked in bed together, and what
the thought we did was what we did.  I looked back at her and tried to say
it with just a look. But it was the moment where either something had to be
said, or done, or else we would lapse into small-talk and never do what we
all three wanted to do.

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