Ch12 - Ghost Realm's F4

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It was completely dark inside the messy storage room. The suppressed cries were so sharp and wretched, even the windows wobbled due to some unseen source.

Everything was like a scene from a horror movie, but Lu Xu wasn't afraid and only watched this skit with tranquility.

The male ghost wearing a printed shirt sat on the windowsill, working hard at banging on the window, until half his body was leaning out.

Another ghost squatted by a corner and wailed eerily, stopping from time to time to ask the ghost knocking on the window, "Am I not crying loud enough, why isn't he showing any reaction?"

Printed Shirt didn't stop his actions, used to seeing weird things. "He's probably so scared he's turned dumb. You have to give people some time to react, what are you so anxious for?"

"Waaaah, when can we turn the lights on, I'm really scared of the dark."

Printed Shirt was impatient. "Xiao Si, can you wake up, what kind of ghost is scared of the dark?!"

"Okay okay, our ghost realm's F4 will never admit defeat!"

Xiao Si sulked. The more he thought about it, the more he thought he was losing his ghost face, and thus wailed with even more force.

Afraid that Lu Xu couldn't hear, he even scooted forward, crying and trying to blow cold air on his neck.

Seeing that his head was coming forward, Lu Xu couldn't help but turn his head to avoid him.

At this close of a distance, the two of them were basically face-to-face and staring at each other. Seeing that this performance review had willingly sent itself to him, Lu Xu was in a very good mood and quirked his lips into a smile as a greeting.

Xiao Si saw his reaction and his jaw dropped as he completely forgot about his crying. "Da...da ge..."

"What are you calling me for. Keep going, don't stop."

Although Xiao Si had not been dead for many years, he had scared off many people. He had seen so many people scared to the point of pissing their pants, but he had never seen someone as relaxed as Lu Xu.

When he first saw this man on screen, he had thought that his spirit was strong. But now that he was facing him in real life, Xiao Si's spirit was about to fly away in shock. "It's Master Lu Xu..."

The lights in the room lit up along with the abrupt end to the banging on the glass.

Lu Xu just stood there in that composed demeanor, watching them. At first glance, he was even brighter than the lights.

The two male ghosts were hugging each other and shivering, trying their best to huddle together in an attempt to diminish their presence. Who knew how much they wanted to escape at this moment, but they were so scared their legs wouldn't listen. Even standing up was difficult.

"Wuuuuuh..." Thinking of all the legends regarding Lu Xu's violence, Xiao Si couldn't help but start crying. It was fine that he couldn't live as a human for many years, but now he couldn't even be a ghost?

Lu Xu raised his hand to rub at his ears, and curled his lips. "So noisy."

The words hadn't even landed when two pairs of hands immediately covered Xiao Si's mouth—one pair was his own, while the other was Printed Shirt's.

The crying sounds abruptly came to an end. The world was once again quiet.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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