Chapter 25. Missing

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It had all happened so quickly. They had appeared out of nowhere and smiled at Kaitlyn as she stared at both of the tall Black men standing on each side of her.

"Smile back if you don't want to get hurt," one of them had told her as she felt the hard metal of a gun at her back.

"Act as if you know us, as if we're old friends, then walk out quietly with us, if you bring any sort of attention towards us, your boyfriend out there gets a bullet through the chest. The driver is in on this too, he's the one who called us."

Kaitlyn did as she was told and smiled at them, although her heart was pounding and she was terrified of what was going to happen to her as they led her outside through the back.

They made her stop in the alley.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, but instead of an answer she felt a sharp pain in the back of head.

"What the hell are you doing?" The first kidnapper said as he caught Kaitlyn's limp body before it hit the ground. Her cell phone fell out of her hand and broke on the concrete.

"How else are we supposed to get her there quietly? This one seems like a fighter, she was going to give us a hard time once we got her out of the building. Believe me this makes the job easier on all of us," the second kidnapper who'd hit Kaitlyn in the back of the head with the gun stooped down to pick up the broken phone. "Damn, this type of model hasn't even been released yet, how the hell did she get it? I wonder if I can get it fixed and keep it for myself."

"Leave the damn phone and help me carry this bitch to the car!" the second abductor yelled. "I just want to deliver the package, take our $100,000 and get the hell out of this city."


An hour later Kaitlyn awakened with a splitting headache. She found herself in a room with no windows lying on a twin bed. The room was empty except for a desk, a lamp, and a chair. On the desk was a white envelope.

"I'm glad you're finally awake," a voice said from the speakers on the ceilings. It was a woman's voice.

Kaitlyn looked around. "Oh this a re-enactment of Saw?"

"What?" the woman asked.

"Or is this some "Silence of The Lambs" crap?" Kaitlyn asked.

"You have a very strange reaction for someone who's just been kidnapped. I expected a lot more "terror" from you..." the voice said sounding highly disappointed.

Kaitlyn leaned upside the wall and rubbed her head. She winced at the swelling in the back.

"Perhaps you've gotten a little brain damage from being hit over the head so hard which is why you're reacting so slowly to your vulnerable situation? So sorry about that, we should have told them not to hurt you in the process..."

"I'm more afraid for you than I am for myself," Kaitlyn said. "You have no idea what you've just done..."

"I see his arrogance has rubbed off on you, I suppose that's what happens when you're constantly around a man like Taylor," the woman scoffed, "but you my dear, you have no power, you are nothing, you are just a play thing he got carried away with, nothing more."

"You sound very vindictive and jealous, did I just get kidnapped by a deranged woman obsessed with my fiancé, is that what this is all about?" Kaitlyn knew she was right when the woman stuttered and seemed caught off guard by her words.

"Listen you little bitch, Taylor doesn't deserve someone like you in his life, just being seen with you is bringing down his status, the man has completely lost his mind right now and it's up to me to fix this mess. There's an envelope on the table open it."

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