7) Ice Cold

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Yuffie shivers, the cool air of the cave we're in nipping at her bare skin. I don't feel the cold, ignoring the complaints of those around me and looking at Cloud.

"He said through the snow fields?"

"Yeah," he nods, looking around him. "I wish it wasn't so dark down here though."

"I can see a ladder," I point ahead of him. He sighs.

"I know. It just... Doesn't feel right to be leaving so fast." It's really odd for us to even be talking, but I don't have anyone else to speak with at the moment, as Vincent has shut off his brain apparently. I tried to say something earlier about Aeris, and he interrupted me and said something about honoring her like I should be honoring my sister. I wasn't gonna say anything mean...

"It's fine," I give him a small smile. "I'm sure she would understand." He nods again and turns forward.

"Be prepared for any attacks," he calls over his should before walking ahead. Yuffie shudders again, she and Tifa huddling together. Barret casts a gaze in my direction before following the two girls with Cid and Cait close behind. Finally, it's just me, Vincent, and Nanaki. I look at the feline before nodding for him to follow me. Obviously our red cloaked companion wants to brood over my sister and compare her to Aeris for some reason I can't explain.

"This place is c-cold," Tifa's teeth chatter. Put clothes on then.

"I kn-know," Yuffie shivers back.

"Hurry up, y'all, it can't be less than twenty in here," Cid rushes them.

"D-does that keep you w-warm?" Yuffie motions to his cigarette.

"Ya ain't borrowin' it."


We reach the ladder, rusty and going so high I can't tell where it leads to. Hopefully out of here.

"I d-don't think this will supppppport much w-weight," Tifa stutters slowly. Drama queen.

"Yuffie?" Cloud looks at her, the silent message obvious. The lightest needs to heck it out.

"N-no way! It's not s-safe!" Our leader sighs and looks at me hopefully. Rolling my eyes, I move forward and reach out toward the ladder. A hand gently touches my shoulder, stopping me.

"Be careful," his deep voice murmurs.

"I will," I reply quietly, my voice so gentle that I don't understand it myself. He cares? Since when does he care about anyone other than Lucrecia? Then I pull myself up, my fingers growing numb in contact at the freezing metal. My boots grip the rungs securely as I make my way up. Up up up, it doesn't seem to end. I can't even see them anymore when Tifa calls up to me.

"Violet? How's it going up there?"

"It's strong enough, but Barret should go last. I'm not sure how much higher it goes."

And then I keep going. But suddenly, my foot can't find a bar and my other slips, leaving my dangling with a yelp of surprise.

"Violet?!" I don't reply, only squint upward. The ladder twists sideways all of a sudden and then leads up again after a few yards.

"Violet!? Are you alright?!" Tifa yells again. I roll my eyes. Frikin annoying. I ignore her again, concentrating on pulling my legs up. If I just... My shoes slip again and my hands nearly slide off as well. I grunt in effort and get a better grip quickly.

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