Chapter 1: in a way

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y/n's POV

"y/n! How was your drive here?" My aunt asked as I stepped out of a large black van
"It was fine I guess" I responded looking down at my switch
"Im glad. Kenma, come out here and greet your cousin!" My aunt called and soon Kenma came out of the house
"Hey Star"
"Hey Ken" this was a really awkward greeting.
Kenma and I used to be inseparable but after my family moved to Spain, I haven't seen this side of the family since I was seven so it was obviously going to be awkward seeing Kenma grown up. Yes we're the same age but after all these years, we've both grown and look similar to how we used to just at the same time different...
"Why don't you go show y/n her room" he nodded and escorted me to my new room. It was furnished with a queen bed with a simple white velvet headboard and a light up vanity.
"Thanks... I'm gonna start unpacking. I'll see you later"

♡the next day♡

The next day I woke up to the aggravating ringing of my alarm clock
"Shut up" I groaned throwing my alarm across the room and snuggling back up into my bed until I heard another alarm. In an attempt to cover the sound, I covered my ears with my pillow which didnt help making me have to get up to turn the alarm off. I threw on my uniform, did my makeup, and brushed my hair leaving my hair down before heading downstairs.

"We need to go to school early so you can get your schedule" I nodded then we headed out the door to Nekoma

♡after being in the office♡

Class 2-5... uh... How am I supposed to find this? I looked around but there was no sight of Kenma. I started to walk around the school in search of the class but at the same time not really since I was on my switch. However when I turned the corner I crashed into someone causing me to fall to the floor
"Oh I'm sorry!"
I was about to say its okay when I realized my hands were empty. "OH MY GOD WHERE'S MY SWITCH!" I yelled as I looked around for it
"Here" I looked up and saw the boy that bumped into me. He was tall with black hair and hazel eyes. He was holding out his right hand for me to take and in his other hand was my switch
"Uh... thanks" I said as he helped me up and took back my switch
"Yeah... s-sorry for crashing into you..."
"I've had worse... uh, can you tell me where class 2-5 is?"
"2-5? Are you new?"
"Yeah. Could you just tell me where to go?"
"Yeah, down the hall to your left. Do you want me to walk you there?"
"I'm good" I walked off getting back on my switch


Kuroo POV

I was headed to class when I turned and ran into someone causing them to fall to the floor
"Oh I'm sorry!" I looked down and saw a petite girl
"OH MY GOD WHERE'S MY SWITCH!" She yelled as she looked around for it
"Here" I held out my right hand to help her up and picked up her switch which was at my feet
"Uh... thanks" She said suddenly everything was moving in slow motion as she took my hand then took back her switch
"Yeah... s-sorry for crashing into you..." I apologized rubbing the back of my neck
"I've had worse..." she said her eyes wandering around our surroundings "uh, can you tell me where class 2-5 is?"
2-5? Wait, she's smart?
"2-5? Are you new?"
"Yeah. Could you just tell me where to go?"
"Yeah, down the hall to your left. Do you want me to walk you there?"
"Im good" to be honest, I was a bit disappointed when she said she's okay since she just walked away and got back on her switch
In a way, she kinda reminds me of Kenma

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