35.2 | Solar

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Cain's knees gave out. And seeing as his hands were the only thing between Casper and tumbling over backward, Casper went right down with him. The jolt of Cain's knees hitting the floor broke Casper's squeak. Hanging in mid-fucking-air with his legs bent either side of Cain's—

Ice lips stole his, and yeah, actually it didn't matter a fucking damn where Casper's legs were because Cain was kissing him, and he didn't want his legs anywhere but wrapped around Cain's waist. Just as engulfed in his everything as he could possibly be. His heart soared. Right on up to that swan-blue sky and the sun beating down on them between white wisps of cloud. Birds trilled sweet songs to the fresh spring air, and somewhere in the distance, laughter danced above the trees.

No lies in this kiss. Every inch come clean, and the salt coursing between their lips purified and sanctified, and Casper could live here forever. But first...


Stifled on the tongue plunging into his mouth and oh god, the fucking flesh bits.

Casper wrenched his head away, gagging, and after a second Cain burst into laughter. God he looked so fucking ridiculous with all the blood smeared around his mouth run through with tear tracks. Cain threw his head back and the sunlight gleamed through the glossy mess of his hair and turned his skin to pure, luminous marble.

Ridiculous, but absolutely fucking beautiful.

"Cain, I love you."

The laughter stopped. A little of his face still lay restrained, trembling edges to the smile and a sense of hesitance. "Do you?"

Casper shifted in his lap, sitting himself up a little and Cain obliged by sinking back between his splayed knees. "I dunno, love. You going to actually let me go if I wanna leave?"

A little something in Cain's face crumbled, because apparently the idiot didn't get what Casper was doing at all. "I swear, Cas..." Cain's eyes drifted down to where his fingers fiddled with the collar of Casper's hoodie. "I'll never keep you against your will again. Even—Even if it means I lose you forever."

Idiot. A tiny smile tugged at Casper's lips and he nosed at Cain's cheek. "And would you give me your address so I can come back when I'm done? Y'know, 'cause it's a bit stupid not even knowing where ... where home is."

The sun above them made a shitty candle compared to the radiant light that bloomed in Cain's face. Laughter burst from his lips, and Casper didn't think he'd ever heard someone laugh from literal joy before, but here was Cain, nothing but pure exhilaration. Seemed like he'd go and do cartwheels or something if he wasn't too busy holding Casper's waist like it'd end him to let go.

"Yes." Cain squeezed Casper's waist, the awe shining in his eyes like two little stars. "God, do you actually mean that?"

"That anywhere in the world with you is home?" Casper rubbed his nose against Cain's. He'd kiss him but he'd seriously had enough of the taste of literal throat-ripping. "Yes, idiot. You—You still have all my stuff, right? You've still got Mackie?"

The kiss settled like a snowflake on the tip of Casper's nose, and he squirmed in Cain's lap, giggling. "Of course I do, love."

"I felt so bad leaving him behind. Did you leave him looking out the window at least?"

"Well ... I would have, but..." Cain tilted his head, the sort of motion he made when he was going to rub at his cheek to go with that grimace. A brush of pink lifted in his cheeks as his eyes strayed. "I must admit I've been sleeping with him every night since you went..."

Fuck, that was so fucking cute. And sad. Super fucking sad, but probably time to focus on the cute for a change and the way it made Casper's chest all fuzzy, and seriously that image was adorable.

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