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(/ˈæklɪs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀχλύς "mist" or "darkness") is an ancient Greek goddess who symbolizes the mist of death. According to some ancient cosmogonies, Achlys was the eternal night before Chaos.

Today I feel empty. 

It's been nagging me since I woke up. I even tried distracting myself in every way possible, but that didn't make it stop. It was eating at my flesh, creating this huge hole deep in my chest. It bothers me. If you ever had that feeling of emptiness and that void you might understand..

I cry.

I'm desperate to feel. It made me think back to why human beings are so addicted to pain. Because I know I'd go through hell and back, rather than feel this lethal vacancy. 

I'd rather feel and feel and feel. Everything and anything. 

I want to feel the thorns of roses digging into my fingers. I want to feel the rain soak my soul. I want to feel the fire within me burning. I want to exhale painfully before I let my feelings break free from the shackles I put them in.

 I don't want to be a shell of a person. 

"How can emptiness be so heavy?" -six word story



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