Chapter 5

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I woke to someone shaking me. I groaned, opening my eyes. I was about to punch the person in the face before I realized it was Four. I sat up and he sat on the edge on my bed. "It's 6 o'clock. You should get ready and grab some breakfast before you meet Eric in the training room," he whispered.

I nodded my head. I kicked out of the covers as Four stood. "Meet me in the dinning hall in 20 minutes?" I asked. He nodded as he headed out of the room. I quickly walked over to the showers, turning the water on and stripping. I carefully peeled off the bandage that Tori had put over my tattoo. Stepping under the shower nozzle, making sure the water wasn't too hot, I cleaned my wound. After, I washed my hair and everything else. Once I was done, I dried off and got dressed. Seeing that I had no idea what I'd be doing, I settled for a simple tank top with a sports bra, pants, and boots. Unsure of what to do with my hair, I tied it up in a simple ponytail.

This time around when I had to make my way to the dinning hall I had a much easier time finding it. I grabbed some eggs, bacon, and a muffin before spotting my brother at the same table he sat at yesterday. This time though, he sat with a young man with dark skin, and a young women. They looked about the same age as him.

I sat down next to him, greeting the other two with a smile. "Guys this is Alex." Four said introducing us. "Really? You pierced your lip?"

"And got a tattoo," I smiled.

"Ah so you're the famous Alex I've been hearing so much about," the young man smiled. "I'm Zeke, by the way, and this is Shauna." He motioned to the woman next to him. She smiled in reply.

"So you've heard about me?" I asked. I wondered what had been passed around Dauntless about me.

"Oh yeah," Shauna laughed. "Eric was ranting about you at dinner last night. Damn, he was so pissed."

"About me?" Eric was talking about me last night? I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned.

"Yeah, he was going on about how much of a pain in his ass you were going to be," Shauna informed me. Great.

"But I applaud you on your actions though," Zeke smiled. "I love when people defy him. It brings him down to earth and tells him that he's not as high and mighty as he might think. It's a big 'fuck you' to him and I'm all for telling Eric 'fuck you'."

"Don't encourage her." My brother hissed.

"I don't need encouragement to do shit like that," I took a bite of my muffin, smiling at Zeke.

"I like her," Shauna looked over at Zeke and he smiled in agreement. I heard Four sigh next to me and chuckled. The three went on to discuss other topics as I finished my breakfast. I got up and stood by Four.

"You gonna come?" I questioned. I really didn't want to be alone with Eric. I knew that if Four was there he wouldn't do anything too outrageous.

"I'll be in there in a few. I have to go up to the control room with Zeke for something real quick and wake up the others." I nodded. As I walked away, Shauna and Zeke wished me luck. I thanked them and made my way to the training room.

I opened one of the double doors and stepped in the large spacious room. There was a clock that read 6:50 on the wall. I was ten minutes early, but was I glad that I was. It gave me some time to explor. I walked around, looking at the equipment. I lost track of time and before I knew it, the door opened and the thud of boots echoed around me. I turned to find Eric standing by a platform that was raised a few feet off the ground.

I slowed my pace as I walked over to him. His expression was as cold as it always was, but I could tell that he was tired. "Take your boots off," he commanded. He pulled his sleeveless jacket off his shoulders and was left in a black T-shirt that hugged is torso. For the first time I notice how ripped he was.

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