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Obama woke up in a bright place. "I-is this.. Heaven?" He asked, as he sat up slowly. Where was sonic? And everyone else at that funeral..? Suddenly, he heard a voice. "There is no need to panic, my child." They said. "A-are you God?" Obama asked. "Oh, I am much more powerful than that Santa Claus looking motherfucker. Please, call me Taka." As soon as they said that, they appeared out of the shadows. It was a rather fat fucking man, with red ruby eyes and short raven hair. And he was beautiful. "W-wow.." Obama said as he took in Taka's utter beauty. Then, two more gentlemen stepped out, who were also very attractive. One with big bulging breasts, with light purple eyes and a hairdo that resembles a turd. The other, also had light purple eyes and big tits, but he had black hair made into a cute little pompadour. "W-Who are you guys?" Obama asked in fear and arousal. The one with the shit hair spoke up. "Yo. This is where all the sex junkies come when they die. You can call it slut heaven. By the way I'm Mondo, and the hottie next to me is my bro, Daiya." He said. "So.. What do we do here?" Obama asked, beginning to take his clothes off. "Whatever ya want.." Daiya said, approaching Obama. He pinned Barack down and looked at him in a flirtatious way. "Bro. You gotta share! Here, Taka gets the mouth, you get the butthole, and I get your butthole." Mondo said, winking at Daiya. (I'M CLARIFYING RIGHT NOW I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS SHIP, THE REASON THIS IS HERE IS FOR LAUGHS. PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND)
He blushed and glared at him. "idiot, obviously I top you! You get the butthole." Mondo blushed, and they all made their way toward Obama. Taka put his stinky ass penis in the mouth, mondo put his in the butt, and Daiya put his in the mondo butt. They had a long steamy session because I'm not in the mental state to describe it.
Meanwhile, in slut hell....

Sonic woke up in a strange room. It was made out of frozen piss, and the room was cold. The rest of the people at the funeral were also here except Obama. "Where's Obama?!" Sonic asked, tears spilling out of his eyes. Deadpool went to comfort him. "It's okay you ugly fuck, I know what this place is. Right now we are in slut hell, where all sex junkies go when they were extra sex junkies. He probably went to slut heaven. " Deadpool says. "How do you know this?" Sonic pondered. "Because.. I work here. I'm Slut Satan." He said, smiling. Sonic tried to run but he was stabbed by a big glowing dildo. "There's no escaping, sonic!" He said as sonic bled out, with the huge dildo between his chest. The others were trying to escape, but Doctor Strange's powers were practically useless in slut hell, so they were trapped. How will they get out?

Please- most of the weird shit in here is an inside joke with my friends, I don't ship mondo and daiya and whoever really does deserves death
Also the image is my friends broken toe

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