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it's just begun

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it's just begun


Elijah shook his head, looking at the group of people gathered in Athena's living room. Apollo sat in a cushioned chair, his eyes still roaming around and curious to search the rest of the house. Damon was leaning against the fireplace, an obvious look of frustration on his features as he explained the entire situation to them.

The distance between Stefan and Athena, though obvious to them all, was not commented on and Elijah resisted the urge to linger his gaze on them, a curiosity having been born from Apollo and Athena's explanation of their heritage and what it meant to have a soulmate.

But for the sake of Damon's sanity, and perhaps Athena and Stefan's relationship, Elijah staved his questions away for the time being and allowed the brothers to propose their possible explanation for Stefan's behavior that had landed them here.

Shaking his head again, Elijah sighed and sat back against the chair he'd claimed earlier. "It just doesn't make sense for Klaus to compel you to protect Elena when he didn't know another doppelgänger would ever exist, and when he is trying to kill her."

"So, if we're entertaining the idea but taking Klaus out of the equation," Apollo looked at Elijah curiously. "Who could've compelled him?"

Elijah shrugs. "Well, it'd have to be an Original, and there's only five of us– most of which are daggered. And if he were compelled by an Original, it'd have to be someone who didn't want Klaus to break his curse, being as they want Elena to survive."

They all nodded, following along with his train of thought.

"I wouldn't do that, and Klaus obviously didn't, but Kol has been daggered for quite some time," Elijah glanced around, noting off Athena's curious look. "He's got a bit of a temper, and he likes to provoke my brother. You remind me of him, which isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, I suppose."

Athena contemplated offense for a moment before she conceded with a shrug. She knew the type of person she was, and she wasn't bothered by other people pointing it out to her.

"Rebekah has been daggered since the 20s because of an incident Klaus never told me about, and Finn," Elijah trails off, his voice dwindling quickly with a hesitant feeling lingering in the air. "No, it's not possible."

"What? What isn't possible?" Damon leans forward, his eyes narrowing at the Original.

"No, it– it can't be."

"Twenty minutes ago you didn't know that gods and goddesses were a thing, I think we're far past impossible by now,"

Elijah sighs, conceding her point easily despite his obvious reluctance to believe his train of thought. "Our brother Finn, he never liked what we are. He hated being a vampire, especially when he saw what it did to our siblings. He thought us monsters, and he always spoke of undoing our mother's mistake one day, but it was never taken seriously. He would need our mother to help weaken the spell she created in the first place, and he would need a linking spell to connect us all."

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