The Girl in the woods

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I am not the best writer so there will be mistakes. This will take place when the group loses Sophia. I also do not own the walking dead or any of its characters.
It's about midday and it is burning hot out here. I'll finish hunting then head back to my 2004 ford ranger to gut and skin whatever I catch. I am nearing the stream I get water from when I hear running off to my right. All of a sudden a little girl pops out of the shrubs and smacks into me. The girl looks to be about twelve with blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a bunch of freckles. There is fear all over her face as she quickly stands up and runs behind me. I grab my defender 440 stainless steel knife from the sheath on my left hip in a reverse grip. In my right hand I grab the HMR 17 long barrel, 8 cylinder revolver and point it at the bushes the kid just came from. I hear the growls before I see the walker stumble towards us, with practiced movements I quickly stab the creature in its head. I return my weapons to their rightful place before turning to the girl and kneeling in front of her.
"Do ye have a group little one?" I ask trying to help sooth away her fear.
"Y-yes s-sir." She answers in a trembling voice.
"What's yer name little one?"
"Sophia sir." Sophia answers unsteadily.
"Its okay I'm not going to hurt ye. I'll take you back to yer group, do ye know where they are?" I reassure.
"They are on a highway caught up in a bunch of cars. What's your name sir?" The blonde inquires.
"Oh where are my manners my name is Wesley Gilbert but most people call me baby cletus. Also I know where ye are talking let's get going." I say while taking the lead and start heading towards the highway. It is silent till the girl starts to get curious and asks questions.
"I'm 12 how old are you Mr.Gilbert."
"I am 16 little one and there is no need for the mister or sirs."
"Sorry. It's just that when I would not say sir or mister my daddy would hit me or mommy." By now it's almost dark and we are still about a mile away from the highway and another three before we reach the traffic jam.
"Ye have nothing to apologize for your daddy does not sound like a good man. Come now little one we must set up camp before it gets too dark we will continue in the morning." I inform the girl as I stop and collect fire wood to make a fire. I give the blond some food I had in my military backpack. After she eats I tell her to get some rest because we have a long day ahead of us. I stay up the hole night to watch out for anything that may want to kill us. Before I use up to much more energy I sit down by the embers of the fire at about midnight. It doesnt fell like a long time but it's been hours judging by the sun starting to rise meaning I haven't moved from my spot by the fire in 6 hours. I gently shake Sophia to wake her up.
"Come on Sophia get up we gotta get going so we can make it to your group." As the girl gets up I collect what I had pulled out last night. The walk to the cars was uneventful just a few walkers that were easily put down. When we got to the jam there was no one there but there is a car with writing on the windshield and a paper note stuck under the wiper blade. The note read.
"Sophia we will come get you but we are on a farm not far from here so stay put we will come here every morning." -Mommy
"Good news Sophia I think I know where yer group are. Bad news is it's another 2 miles. Are ye excited." I let her know.
"Yeah I am so excited. I get to see my mommy and best friend Carl." She replies excitedly.
"Let's go then little one."
So off we go to the Greene farm. I met Maggie a couple of times when she went into town. The second time I saw her is when she first saw me and invited me to her families farm. I never stayed instead I cleared out a building in town and the Greene's know which one just incase they need me. On our walk to the kind families farm we come across some squirrels and rabbits that I shoot with my little one handed crossbow. In total I got two squirrels and two rabbits which if I preserve it is enough to last me about three days. As we come up to the farms outer fences I see an old RV that the blonde confirms is her groups. I stop and tell the little girl.
"Keep going, find an older man goes by the name of Hershel tell him that Baby Cletus brought ye here and that he knows where to find me if they need me."
"But I want you to come meet my mommy."
"I am not really one to join groups but we will see each other again. I promise, now be brave and go rejoin yer family." I tell her before walking off.
Sophia POV
I walk along the winding gravel lane way toward the house I take in the beauty of the area surrounding me. A serene open field as far as the eye can see. I am nearing the house when Mr.Dale sees me aproaching.
"Sophia, are you ok?" He calls out as he starts my way.
"Yes sir, Mr.Dale I am fine but I must get to that house and talk with a man named Hershel." I reply.
"How do you know Hershel, Sophia." Dale asks me.
"I will tell everyone at the same time but I must talk with Hershel." I state before I continue on toward the house. By the time I find Hershel the entire group except for Mr. Daryl and Carl is here. So I start to tell them my story.
"I was running through the forest after Mr.Rick left me at the creek. There was one of the monsters chasing me, I passed through some bushes and ran into something solid. When I looked up from the ground it was a man standing there. He had white skin, blue eyes, a little beard scruff, he was wearing glasses, blue jean's, and a red shirt. After he killed the monster he told me to call him Baby Cletus, said everyone does. Then he lead me back to the highway where we were stuck but when we got there there was no one. He read a note that mommy left on a car then he lead me here. He said find a man named Hershel and say that Baby Cletus brought me here and you know where to find him if you need him." I explain to the people surrounding me.
Wesley POV
By the time I get back to where I have been staying in town it's almost dark. As soon as I open the door I am tackled by the brown eyed, brunette that I have known for five years.
"Wesley I was so scared you weren't coming back, you've been gone for a day and a half. You said you would only be gone for a few hours." The brunette said sounding so worried.
"I'm sorry Alexis I didnt mean to worry ye. I had got side tracked while hunting." I explain.
"What had you side tracked."
"I was reuniting a little girl with her group. She was being chased by a walker when she ran into me."
"Where is the group?" Alexis asks.
"They're at Hershel's, and judging by the look in your eyes ye want to meet them."
"Yeah I want to meet them. I mean I love you and all but I want some other people's company."
"I love ye too, we will leave tommorow but first we'll need to load up all of our stuff. Also where is Bagheera?" I ask wondering where the wolf is.
"He's in the other room sleeping."
"Ok I guess we should do the same so we can get going tomorrow."
With that we went to our shared room and went to sleep
Come next morning I'm up earlier than the girl next to me. I get dressed and then as quietly as possible I check to make sure my weapons are in the right place. Two of the 4 matching .22 long barrel, 6 cylinder revolvers one on each hip. My defender 440 stainless on the front of my left hip, my HMR 17 in its holster on the side of my right hip, and my hand forged rebar sword strapped across my back. I quietly work on picking up our stuff and go about loading it in my Ranger. I've been at it for about thirty minutes by the time Alexis comes out dressed in a pair of skinny jean's and a green shirt, a rosewood handled knife with my name burned into it on her left hip. One of the other two matching .22 revolvers on her right hip, and her matching rebar sword on her back.
"Good morning beautiful, how are ye this morning." I ask her while I stop working to admire her form.
"I am good, you know you could have woke me up right." She replies.
"I know but ye looked peaceful, I didn't want to disturb ye." With that I got back to work while Alexis went to let Bagheera out.
I'm outside near the pickup when I hear a scream from the drug store across the way. I quickly put the box of food I have in the bed before I grab my full sized crossbow out of the cab. I head over to the store and enter stepping on glass. I see Maggie Greene at the back telling someone I cant see to kill the walker holding onto her. I aim my crossbow at the monsters head and shoot, but man it's been awhile since I've used the thing the recoil hurt my shoulder. The walker fell dead with an arrow in its head. I hear a male voice call out.
"Daryl is that you, what are you doing in town?" The voice asks.
Maggie has looked to her right and seen me at the front of the store.
"Glenn that's not Daryl." Maggie replies to Glenn, I guess.
"The names not Daryl, Glenn was it?" The next thing I know Glenn shoots around the corner and looks at me so I continue. "Ye and Daryl must be a part of Sophia's group. How is she today by the way." Before he got to answer a yell from outside caught my attention.
"Wesley where are you?" Alexis yells worry evident in her voice.
I step back out the door and call out.
"In here my love." Maggie looks at me confused because I have never called Alexis that in front of her. Bagheera runs up to me with Alexis not far behind. I kneel down to pet Bagheera.
"You remember Maggie right Alexis?" I ask making sure the younger brunette remembers the other.
"Yeah I remember Maggie but I dont know the man." Alexis tells me before looking at Maggie and saying "How are ye doing Maggie?"
"Not to bad and you, though I must say you have been alone with Wesley for to long your talking like him now." Maggie replies.
"I'm doing good, not to be rude but what's your name?" Alexis asks.
"I'm Glenn, though I don't know how you know Sophia though." Glenn answer Alexis's question.
"I'll tell yer entire group back at the Greene's that is if yer father's offer still stands Maggie." I check with the older brunette.
"Yeah daddy's offer stands." Maggie confirms.
"Ok we'll see ye there we still have to finish packing our stuff." I say getting ready to turn around a get back to work.
"Oh yeah before you go do you have any of the things on this list." Maggie asks handing me a list and the only thing I know for sure we have is the abortion pills.
"Umm, for sure we have the abortion pills, we'll also send some pre natal vitamins incase the woman changes her mind." I say looking at Alexis for confirmation.
"Yeah we can send that stuff with them, after all I mean it's not like we will need them." Alexis confirms.
"Ok on that note we better get back to loading our stuff we will be at the farm in a couple of hours." I say looking back at Maggie and Glenn.
"Ok see you then." Maggie replies.
It's been about an hour and a half we just finished loading the Ranger with weapons in the cab, with food, meds, ammo, and Bagheera in the bed.
"Ye ready Alexis?" I ask the girl sitting next to me.
"Yeah I'm ready when you are." Alexis affirms.
"Ok let's get going to the farm."
The whole way to the farm my hand never left Alexis's and we had soft country music playing in the background. When we pull up to the house the group is giving us a weird look. I ignore them and get out walking to the back to let Bagheera out. Like trained the wolf follows me and Alexis. The next thing I know I see people walking up towards us, some with weapons drawn. I instinctively step a bit in front of the brunette, the wolf stepping up beside me with his teeth bared.
"Who are you, why are you here?" I hear a bald headed man ask while pointing the shotgun in his hand at my face.
"Bagheera stand down their not going to hurt us." I command the wolf beside me.
"Why shouldn't we hurt you, you didnt answer my questions." The bald man says again.
"Shane put the gun down brother." A man in an officer's outfit says beside the bald man. The bald man begrudgingly does as told. "Sorry about Shane there he means well." The sheriff says this time to me and the girl behind me. I see a blonde haired girl walking about 20 yards behind the group in front of me.
"Hey Beth." Alexis yells out over the groups heads. Beth runs over and tackles Alexis in a big hug.
"Alexis it's been so long, how are you." The blonde asks excitedly.
"Not to bad Beth, been better than having people pointing a gun at us." The brunette says looking Shane dead in the eyes.
"When Maggie told daddy you two were finally taking his offer he was so excited." Beth smiles brightly.
"Yeah I was so excited when this stubborn fucker finally agreed. I knew it was only a matter of time." Alexis says smugly.
"I love ye too. Now I have to ask is pointing guns at people anyway to welcome the person who saved a 12 year olds life?" I say a little pissed because Alexis was put in danger.
"We did not know that you saved Sophia, she said that some guy saved her said he went by the name Baby Cletus." The officer clarified. He seemed to be the more civil of the pair.
"Cletus was a name my oldest brothers boss gave him, my dad was papa cletus, mom was mamma cletus, then there was little brother cletus, littler brother cletus, and then me baby cletus. This was all because I was the youngest of four boys." I explain.
"Anywho we need to go talk to Hershel let him know we arrived, see if he needs anything." Alexis continues for me. So we walk through the group toward the house with Bagheera following us.
As we enter the house I decide to let my girlfriend take the lead.
"Hey Hershel how are you doing, and is there anything we can help with?" Alexis talks after we find the man.
"Alexis, Wesley good to see you again. I'm not doing to bad, how are you. We could also use some medical supplies." The older man says bringing us in for a hug.
"What do you need the medical supplies for?" Alexis asks.
"We have used alot of supplies on a boy who got shot so we need to restock a little."
"Understandable I'll go grab a box of medical stuff then." I say before going to follow through with my statement. When I exit the house I see some people looking in the bed of my pickup at the boxes.
"Step away from the boxes and the pickup." I warn them
"What's in the boxes?" An old man asks.
"That is for me and my love to know not ye. Now if ye'd be so kind as to follow my request." I say stepping forward and letting my hand settle near the .22 on my right hip.
"Look son, we're not here to take your stuff. We just want to know what is in the boxes." The old man says.
"Yet again that is none of yer concern. If I want ye to know then ye would know. And the only place these boxes go are to Hershel if his family asks for them." I say reaching for a box that I know has what I am looking for. I grab the box and start to pull it off the tailgate when Shane comes over and starts asking questions.
"Where did you get the swords that you and the girl have."
"I didnt get them anywhere I hand forged them not long after this started." I claim pulling my sword from the scabbard on my back. "They are a matching pair the only difference is that Alexis's has a heart engraved near the hilt on the blade." I explain.
"Ok so then where did you get all of this stuff" Shane says while gesturing toward the boxes.
"Scavenged it, now if ye'll excuse me Hershel is expecting this box." I say before walking away but Shane follows me.
"Say how did you get that bite mark on your left arm." At this question the entire group seemed to appear out of no where. I look down at the still healing bit. Hearing the commotion Alexis and the Greene family come outside.
"When Alexis and I found Bagheera his pack was being eaten by the dead. So we killed the dead and went to save him. In doing so Bagheera got scared and bit me."
I said while looking at the bald man. The group seemed satisfied with the answer.
"Hey Wes, Hershel offered to give Bagheera a checkup." Alexis said trying to keep me from doing something rash.
"Ok my love just let me get this box inside and then we can get to it." I finally get away from Shane and put the box in the house where I was directed to. We finally have Bagheera getting checked over when I ask the names of the people outside.
"The officer is Rick, then there is his wife Lori, Rick's son Carl. There is Daryl he caries a crossbow, there is the little girl Sophia, there is Sophia's mother Carol. There is T-dog, Shane, Dale, Glenn, and Andrea. Also Bagheera seems to be in good health."
"Good to hear we wont be losing him any time soon." Alexis says. She had grown fond of the black furred wolf in the 6 or 7 months that we have had him.
"Is there anything we can help ye with around here Hershel?" I ask wanting to repay him in some way.
"I need some new shoes for the horses Wesley and there is nothing else I can think of." The man replies.
"Ok, ye still have the forge in the shed right?" I ask wanting to know where I'll be working.
"Yeah it's still there."
"Ok, thank ye Hershel. And Alexis ye can go talk with the new group if ye want just take Bagheera with you and be careful around Shane. The guy doesn't seem to stable." I warn before walking off to start making some horse shoes.

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