London Historica or The History of London

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With 2,000 years of history,

It is a long and powerful story.

The City of London

The City Capital

Stands strong and tall.

Surviving plagues and fires

Civil wars, air raids and terror-risks,

The City of London stands 

Growing more powerful,

Than even a city like Istanbul.

The City of London

Grows stronger by the minute

Do you happen to live in it?


The Mighty Brutus of Troy

Defeated the giants Gog and Magog,

The creatures which rose from the bog.

According to Historia Regum Britanniae

Of Geoffrey of Monmouth

To create the land of London.

The legendary King Lud

The man was wise and he was good,

Renamed the town CaerLudein

After a bowl of sweet pudding.

London the name was thus derived

While the King ate on his royal plate.

The good king was buried at Ludgate.

The City of London

Grows stronger by the minute

Do you happen to live in it?


After the invasion of AD 43

It was time to build a city.

Londinium was established 

Where the locals fished,

As a civilian settlement and town

With the people and the crown,

By the early Romans of the town.

Early Roman London

Was a very small patch,

Being roughly the size of Hyde Park.

Walking across Londinium in the dark,

Would have been a walk in the Park.

The City of London

Grows stronger by the minute

Do you happen to live in it?


 Mellitus was the first

Post-Roman Bishop,

Who ascended with peace and hope.

In 604 AD, when Saeberht

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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