Avengers Portocol part 1

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In a world where 80% of the population on earth is filled with superpowers known as quirks. We go to the tower of one of the greatest men on earth lives, Stark tower where we see Tony Stark, a quirkless genius who became one of the greatest heroes in the world is just sitting with Jarvis, a super smart AI making bets with himself.

Stark: It's noon, got 3 hours of beauty rest, MAN it's been a while since I've seen any action. I wonder if any of the old gang needs their butts saved today.

Shows Thor fighting frost giants

Stark: So Thor's bringing the thunder as usual, but what are the odds of doing it solo? I'll bet a 62% chance o- (Thor brings even more thunder than before) Scratch that. (Switches to hulk smashing) Hulk, nah he's sitting at a 96% smashed probability. (Switches to Hawkeye shooting an arrow at a stark poster) Hawkeye? Definitely in need of my help!

Jarvis: have you noticed how often you lose your bets with yourself? If I were keeping track I believe you owe yourself 15 million dollars.

Tony: don't worry Jarvis I'm good for every digital penny.

Jarvis: you could just contact them sir.

Tony: no we broke up the band for a reason, and like I predicted earth is doing just fine without the avengers. It's just tha- (the alarm goes off and the screen shows Captain America having trouble) That can't be right, Cap can handle a bunch of Hydra losers with one arm and a rolled up newspaper. (screen switches to one of the most dangerous villains in history) Red Skull, but he's long dead.

Jarvis: satellites scan matches the body mach it is him sir.

Tony (suiting up): Upload Thor's coordinates into my navigation and keep my eggs warm, Skull busting makes me hungry. (Flies off to help Cap)

Meanwhile Captain America is still fighting Hydra solders and the Red Skull.

Cap: New toys, same old Hydra. Sorry you came back from the dead just to chuck up another lost Skull.

Skull: Perhaps, (pulls out blasters) perhaps not! Hahahahaha!

Iron Man: Just a few more secs Cap, I got your back.

But it was too late. Skull fires the combos evaporating Captain America.

IM: CAAAP!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!(fire all his weapons after Skull takes Caps shield)

But skull blocks them all with the shield.

Skull: So the Iron Man has a heart after all.

IM: Drop the shield you animal!

Skull: I think not, consider it a new dawn and your demise!

IM: Not today!

IM flies to fight, but something's wrong.

Jarvis: Armor breaches. System malfunction.

Skull knocks Tony down and tells him that he can't lead and that he's a coward in armor. Right after he's done talking, Modok shows up.

IM: MODOK?! Since when does he team up?!

Modok uses his technopath quirk to hold Tony in the air.

Skull: MODOK has graciously upgraded my armor as you're well aware technopathic quirk works well with machines. Even yours Stark. Enjoy your final painful moments on earth.

And with that MODOK and Skull teleport out of there, leaving an angry Stark to do the unthinkable.

Tony: Jarvis activate the avengers protocol.

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