chapter 1

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At the man village
Mowgli and ranjan were at the Mango tree waiting for Shanti to go see there friends "where's Shanti" Ranjan asked mowgli "I don't know"" Mowgli said and shrugged his arms
"I'm here" She said run up to the boys  "let's go before were late" Said mowgli

Not far in the jungle shereKhan was lurking in the jungle and saw a little wolf cub playing with his brother and sister "why hello there little ones" ShereKhan said "shereKhan we heard you were dead" Said the little wolf cub scared and backing up to try to run "I have escaped and here to get revenge on the man cub mowgli and his little girlfriend Shanti" He said smiling "now run along and if you tell anyone about this I will hurt you and your family " He said and the wolfs ran away in fear

With baloo and the others
"Hey papa bear " Mowgli said "hey little Brichies" Baloo said hugging mowgli "hey Shanti and ranjan" He said "hey papa bear" Ranjan said hugging baloo Shanti stayed quiet "are you ok Shanti" Mowgli asked her "yes why do you ask" She said "no reason" Mowgli said and they start to walk near the River "hey Mowgli " Baloo said "ya papa bear" Mowgli said  "do you like Shanti " BALOO said Mowgli blushed "no" He said in response "sure" He said sarcastically

Back with shereKhan
"SSHEREKHAN What are you doing alive to thought the man cub and girl cub killed you" Said kaa the snake "they didn't kill me " ShereKhan said "I  have a plan to get rid of them once and for all " He said  "what are you planning on doing" Asked kaa "I'm going to go to the man village tomorrow tonight and kidnap Shanti and take her to a old temple in the jungle far from the man village then when Mowgli comes to save her I will get rid of them for good" He said laughing "and I will need your help kaa" Said shereKhan "ssssure thing ssshereKhan" Said kaa

LATER that night at the man village

Mowgli was telling his and Shanti family the story about his hole life in the jungle again "you stay away from Mowgli you mean old tiger of I will push you in a pit of lava"ranjan said and attack the blanket again then ranjan said the things from a while ago and Shanti didn't say anything this time " Thanks for the story Mowgli "Shanti mother said " Night Shanti "Mowgli said before leaving" "Night Mowgli " Shanti said then ranjan ask Mowgli if he liked Shanti and Mowgli and Shanti blushed and said no at the same time then they all went to bed except Mowgli he was worried for Shanti because she was quiet all day so he was going to asked her if was ok tomorrow then he fell asleep.

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