Arriving at the Trap House

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Y/N Pov: 

I wake up to a very light gentle tap on my arm, I open my eyes, trying to get them focused. "We're home y/n," I hear a male voice say. My eyes adjust and I realize that it was Corey. I smile at him 'We're home' I repeat in my head, I like how that sounds for some reason. He takes my hand and helps out of the car, I stare at the big beautiful house I stood in front of. "Not as great on the inside as it is on the outside." Elton says grabbing my bags out from the back with Corey. I laugh. There is 5 guys living here so I guess that makes since. I look behind me at the Uber, I guess I slept through dropping Corbin and Andrea off or they already went inside. I go to the trunk and try to help Corey and Elton with the stuff, "You don't have to do that, I am more then capable to bring my own stuff in" I say standing between Elton and Corey. "Yeah, but what kind of gentleman would we be if we let you though?" Elton smiles and winks at me then looks up at Corey who looks kind of embarrassed. I smile and follow them to the front door of their house. Corey looks at me and whispers "The other guys are probably asleep so we will introduce you to them tomorrow when you wake up." He unlocks the door and I follow in with Elton behind me. "I'll show you where you're room is," Corey says starting up the stairs. I follow him Elton still behind me with my suitcases and bags. 

This is the guest room(pretend its not as 'Formal')

"Shout for any of us if you need anything" Elton says setting my bags down in the room

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"Shout for any of us if you need anything" Elton says setting my bags down in the room.  "Yeah seriously, you have your own bathroom, the kitchen is downstairs, Sam's room is right next door, across from that is Colby's room. My room is right down their, *Corey points down the hall* and Aaron, Jakes and  Elton's rooms are down stairs." Corey says patting me on the back. "Literally any one of us will help you with anything." He says heading out the bedroom door behind Elton. "Thank you much for this" I say sitting down on the bed admiring the room. Corey and Elton both smile kindly at me. "Goodnight Kiddo" I hear Elton say. "Goodnight y/n! Sweet dreams!" Corey says waving closing the door behind me. I look around the room and head to the bathroom to take a shower and put on Pjs. "I am super excited to lay down on that comfy bed" I think out loud. I chuckle to myself. 

A True Friendship Reader x Corey SchererWhere stories live. Discover now