McGonagalls true sacrifices

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A/N Dedicated to @annaaalind (If I can ever find out how to dedicate) because if it weren't for her crazy McGonagall obssession this probably wouldn't have happened!

Sirius POV

OK, so, it was kind of weird that McGonagall was getting so emotional over a pet but I did feel kind of bad. I mean, clearly she was in love with this cat or something. 

(It was just a pet?)

It doesn't help that Moony has a thing for 'morality' or whatever that means anyway. 

So, tomorrow, me and Moony are going down to the small petshop in Hogsmeade and we're going to buy Minnie a new pet. Unfortunately, Ol' Minnie will never let me go to Hogsmeade again so we're going to have to sneak out. 

McGonagall POV

The strange thing was that I wasn't angry. I was just numb, I was worried about the children too but mainly I was too shocked for anything.

That is until yesterday morning when a black cat with beautiful blue eyes stalked, elegantly into my room. I could kind of sense that the cat (Lucy-she called herself) was from Sirius but that was what made me angry. How dare he? Wazowski a simple pet. That was when I lost it. 

If it weren't for Dumbledore I would have murdered the child on the spot.

Instead I tended to my fatherless kittens. FIrst of all I washed them, and then, I told them stories. I told them tells of a man (species not specified) with bright green eyes, he would travel the land telling his own tells and yet he remained a mystery to all but one person. This person had won his heart and he had won hers. 

I had to stop myself there; the story got too painful. 

In the days that followed I had had many meetings with Dumbledore and my other friends, I even talked to Lucy. Unfortunately, we all agreed on one thing. 

The kittens, they were to be given over to Lucy's protection, as Hogwarts was not a place for young children, human or otherwise. 

After losing my dear Wazowski I was also going to lose my children. 

'For the best'. It certainly doesn't feel like the best.

A/N That was the weirdest thing I hvave ever written

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