Chapter Fifteen

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TW: intense suicide discussions

A few months before the election

  We're down in the race by three points still. Voters questioning both of your mental states does wonders for the polls. "We could ramp up stops in California- it's the last state we need to take the country. See if we can get Ally's endorsement- it'd bring in a lot of the younger generation." I suggest.

  "Ally's aggressively anti-political endorsements, even for her own party. She wouldn't even think about touching us." David sits with his face in his hands. "What about Kyle? He's an ex-president, for fucks sake!"

  "Endorsing a ticket his wife's running on wouldn't look good for anybody." I shake my head. "Ya got any better ideas?"

  We both turn to Lolita. She raises an eyebrow at the both of us. "You two need to act like fucking adults. David-"she gestures to him. "Lauren's right on this one. We've got to at least try. If we can get Ally's endorsement it'd be enough to draw those in who are still undecided and seeing somebody of the Green Party endorse a democrat would snatch some of Marisol's voters away. You- don't bring that ticket to the joint debate next month. I'll set up a FaceTime call with Ally- she's more likely to even entertain the idea if a woman's pitching it."

  I lean my head against the back of the couch. The Vice Presidential debate's being held here- in California. Mina and Kyle'll be in the audience today.  Christ campaigning's turned out to be the (second) most stressful time period of my life. I take a sip of water. "David?"

  "Hmn?" He answers, going over a speech for a campaign stop tomorrow. He looks up, making eye contact.

  "We're fucked, aren't we?"

  He contemplates this for a second. "Yeah... we're fucked."

  I push myself up and follow Lolita inside. Now- so close to the election, interns are calling and getting ready for door to door canvassing like it's a human instinct. Their are a few others, of course. Advertising interns- some of which are the camera and editing crew. One statistics intern who manages the campaign approval rating simulator- and then the graphic designers. Lolita makes me sit at a desk directly in front of our campaign flag, and we wait patiently as the FaceTime call rings.

  She finally picks up after about ten, and from the looks of it- is already annoyed. "Ms.Wells-Hey. What is it that you need I'm in the middle of writing a list of  congressional pardon recommendations for this years round."

  "I'll be quick, I promise." I reply. "Has your position on political endorsements changed at all- even slightly?"

  "Has your position on lgbtq rights changed at all- even slightly?"

  "Of course not-"

  "Good then- we agree on something. What kind of question is that- of course it hasn't." She scribbles something on a piece of paper while simultaneously typing something on a computer that's just off the screen. "If you're looking for a fiftieth endorsement, you're not getting it from me."

  "Ms.Feinstein- you've publicly disagreed with many of Ms.Rodriguez's policies already-"

  "Then we also agree that I've pretty much endorsed you already." She says. "If you'll excuse me, I have actually important work to get back to."

  She hangs up on me.

  "Bitch-" Lolita mumbles under her breath. "At least we tried. You- go prepare for the debate. Now, shoo."

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