Chapter #1 reincarnated into the vampier diaries

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Hi my name is Lucas and I am just a normal average adult  except I am a big, big fan of the vampire diaries or tvd, but other than that there was nothing special about me . Until today that is.

Right now i am on my way to work waiting to cross the street when a little boy that was playing on the sidewalk louses his ball and runs after it on to the street right were a car was going. So with all my might I ran as fast as I could and pushed him out of the way but there wasn't enough time to save my self.

After I was hit, I could hear the little boy crying and saying " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please don't die !!" I felt sorry for the kid , this will probably traumatize the pore thing, so with as much strength as I had left, I smiled at him and said " it's all right, I would do it again and wouldn't regret a thing but can you do me a favor."  The boy had calmed down by but was crying silently. He nodded though, I smiled and said " in this world
every one is so focused on looking for the negative things in life that they forget to look for the positive things in life. So can you do me a favor and never forget to look for the positive things in life no mater how bad it gets and to live your life to the fullest with a smile on your face ." The boy looked superseded at first, but then gave me the most saddest and brightest smile I had ever seen. He had stopped crying I noticed. With that said I felt relief  feud me. I can die and peace knowing that he will be okay, and I took my final last breath

I woke up in a office like place with a handsome man sitting in front of me. " hello there, I am Hayden, but you would know me as God, and unfortunately for you, you are dead because of a mistake I made when writing in the book of fate. You see you were originally supposed to live until the age of 86, and because this is all my fault I have brought you here to reincarnate or transport you to any world of your choice with what ever back ground you want and 6 wishes as an apology, how's that sound."

When I herd this I was so excited that I got up and hugged him saying " it's perfect!, thank you!!, thank you!!! "
Hayden laughed at me and Said " alright, alright, we should get started then if you do existed. "
I stopped hugging him an the started bobbing my head up in down encouraging him to start. " okey first thing first do you want to be reincarnated or transported, and what work would you like to go to. "
Well that on is easy " I want to be transported in stead of being reincarnated because I don't want to be a baby and act like a kid. As for we're I want to go to, the vampire diaries. " he seemed amused by this but didn't say anything and continued and went on to the next question.

" Seconded what do you want your background to be. " this is an easy question to" I would like to be the reincarnation of the mikealsons and the Salvatore's little brother Henrik.

Now I know that the Salvatore's didn't have a little brother in the show, but can you take Henrik and reincarnate him with a bite mark on his left shoulder from when he died, as the Mikealsons little brother, who died because of cancer at the age of 12 seance that is the age he died when he was a mikealson and when I am transported give me the same bite mark, and can you transporte me to were the burned witches house is and instead of just 100 witches can it instead be 200 witches. " the reason why I asked for this background is because I had felt sad for the mikealsons and the Salvatore's when they were human but even more so when they were vampires so I want to be there and help them. As for the witches house it had to do with one of my wishes.

Ok, I can do that, tricky, but I can do it. Now then tell me what are your 6 wishes. " this was a little hard but I think I know what i want " my wishes are...

1. To be one with ice and fire. but still human. ( I don't want to be Called an abomination by the witches )

2. To have healing abilities so I can heal others and myself , but make sure I can't revive any one. ( again because of the witches but also because I don't want to be used by every one)

3. To be really good at art. ( so I can connect with Klaus, he was always my favorite 😍 )

4. To be immune and invisible to any magic and witches on the other side and to any magic with harmful intent. ( as you can guess I really, really, don't like the witches on the other side or trust the ones that are living )

5. Can I be a hybrid between a siphoner and a werewolf  except instead of just siphoning off magic like normal can I also siphon it from the air it's self  also can you make it so that instead of draining the magic that i siphon, can the magic become my own, also can you make it so that I can stand the power of at least 200 witches or more . ( I'm sure can guess the reason for why I asked for this. ) and as for my werewolf  Jean can it already be activated and can I have full Control over when I shift. (Now I know the witches will definitely not like this but thanks to my 4th wish and the one I'm about to say they won't be able to even touch me, also I will just save this for a trump card thanks to the wish I'm about to say. As for why I wanted to be a werewolf instead of a vampire.... yep, you guessed it, I wanted to be closer with Klaus . )

6. This is kinda similar to my 4th wish but can you make sure that witches can't sense my magic or my werewolf side but let them sense my elemental and healing abilities, and when they do can my powers make them feel really really connected to nature.( like I said I would like to have a trump card up my sleeve and I don't want to be called an abomination every time I touch a witch so this will make them like me a lot better too.)

And when I'm transported I want to be 12 years old and can you do me a favor and make me forget about the background that I asked for I want to be surprised when I figure it out. "

He looked thoughtful for a second but then said okey, one more thing be for you go, what time in the story line do you want to be in for when I transport." " hmm, how about a year befor the plot starts so I can get to know the main characters before it all starts. "  " ok, with this we're done, I hope you have a nice next life bye. " he waved good bye and then every thing started to get darker and darker then every thing just went black.

Reincarnated into the vampire diaries as Henrik mikealson Where stories live. Discover now