Jubilee line (inspired story)

18 1 0

"Your city gave me asthma"
"Wasting your time, wasting mine"
"There's a reason the jubilee puts rails on the tube line"

The thick choking smoke creeps out from the trains wheels as it seeps towards the yellow lines, laying dormant and low on the stations floor.


The Trains remain motionless,  silent amidst the waves of sighs and discreet buried anger, throughout the crowds of inpatient commuters.

A voice booms from the over head speakers: "all journeys from jubilee station have been delayed due to another track incident"


A life, was taken on those very tracks, not a number nor an incident, a once beating heart, a corporeal being, a human. Someone Who thought they could no longer stumble throughout the dark of the tunnels to reach the light at the end.

The commuters mumble and whisper to each other In bitter rage, as their travels get halted for another day , due to "unforeseen circumstances"

They already know what that meant.

Being late? Because of some stranger?
Because a person who should of had a hand to hold onto besides the yellow lines, couldn't hold onto life anymore, they had entered those tracks with life in their eyes...Halted.

They count the numbers, the deaths, a singular line painted onto a sheet of paper among the jubilee records. Recorded and tallied like some math equation.

The jubilee lines

The only thing that should be recorded was the lack of those with empathy. No life lost should be dismissed and counted as a reason for them to complain for minutes of their life, when somebody's clock had been stopped, suddenly.

Simple empathy is all that is needed, think of the person, how they must've felt, intentions that were planned, forever imprinted into their minds.

They were the reason jubilee needs barriers on the tube lines.

The end
(For now possibly)

I hope everybody enjoyed this, I maybe hope to do some more of these in the future :) be sure to check out Wilbur's channels and music (twitch, YouTube, Spotify ect)
Without his songs I wouldn't of had the inspiration to do this, he has incredible content and songs :D

If anybody wishes to ever talk, or needs distracting, I'm more than happy to talk :)

Your not alone <3

suicide hotline: 116 123 (UK Samaritans)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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