chapter 6

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a/n: plz, y'all have been so patient with me shfgdhhshdhdhd i've been going through a really bad d3pr3ssion episode recently and i've had no motivation- but here i am hello i'm back!! also i have a diluc x jean book out now hdhdbdnsnd

"Your ears are.. soft.." Albedo muttered, making Sucroses face turn an even brighter shade of red. Sucrose twitched her ears and Albedo stepped away. "Sorry.. that must have been awkward for you.. I've just always wondered if your ears are soft or not." Albedo looked away from Sucrose, realizing how flustered she was.

"Ah! Um.. no that wasn't awkward for me at all!! I-I um- I kinda liked that ... I-I MEAN- I-" Sucrose was interrupted by Albedo laughing at her, a stuttering and flustered  mess.

"Hah- So then, I guess I'll pet your ears more often." Albedo walked over to start making them food as Sucrose cleaned up the books. A few minuets later, they were alerted by screaming, explosions, and other fairly loud sounds. Sucrose and Albedo looked at each other, nodded, then started heading towards the direction of the noises


They soon saw a huge Cryo Regisvine that had beat up and possibly killed a bunch of adventurers.

"Wh-What happened.." Sucrose stared at the blood soaked snow in shock while Albedo put his arm in front of her, stopping her from going any closer to the regisvine.

"This thing murdered them.. stay over here. Don't move." Albedo started fighting the regisvine. Sucrose couldn't just stand here and watch Albedo die to this killing machine. She always felt incredibly useless and like she was always in the way.

"I can't just stand here Albedo! I'm going to help!" Sucrose ran toward him and starting to fight along side him.

"Okay.. just try your hardest not to get fatally injured!" Albedo shouted towards her. Just as he said that, Sucrose got shot right in the stomach by the Regisvine. "Sucrose!" Albedo screamed, quickly taking out the terrifying flower in seconds. He ran towards her and gently lifted her up and checked her pulse. She was still breathing, but not much. Her blood was all over him. He knew he didn't have time to take her all the way to Barbara, so he quickly ran towards their camp.


He laid her down on her sleeping bag with a cloth wrapped around her wound. It was on top of her clothes, however he didn't want to have to undress her. He knew that would be very impolite of him. Albedo then decided to just do it, because if he didn't her wound could possibly get infected. He sighed in disgust with himself and slowly undressed her. He quickly but carefully put the bandages on her, then laid her back down. Sucrose was still knocked out, and he thought that she might not wake up for about a day. Albedo had caught feelings for her and he was able to admit it to himself.


The next day, Albedo was standing right outside of the camp. Kind of missing Sucrose's voice always asking him questions.. and the way that her ears twitched whenever she was confident in an experiment. He just missed.. Sucrose. He soon heard rustling sounds within the camp and went to go check on Sucrose. He saw her sitting up with her eyes open. She looked like she was in pain, a lot of pain.

"Sucrose, you're awake." Albedo walked over and sat down beside her.

"How long was I asleep?" Sucrose had healed herself in her sleep somehow, so she was better. (plothole, but one of sucroses constellations makes her a healer so-)

"About a day. But I made sure you're alright. Luckily you heal- Sucrose?" Albedo was interrupted by Sucrose hugging him.

"Thank you.. for always taking care of me.. it means a lot. I always feel like a bother to you.. and that I'm always in the way. But.. somehow you always protect me. So.. thank you." Sucrose said, as Albedo cupped her face with one hand and had the other wrapped around her waist. He was staring into her bright, amber eyes. In the heat of the moment, they both kissed each other.

(long chapter and cliffhanger, yall i'm back 🥴)

alchemy - albedo x sucroseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin