The flight

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Y/N Pov:

I was standing in line waiting to board the plane when I got a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see a younger gentleman about 25 wearing a bucket hat and a sweatshirt with black ripped jeans. I realize its Corey Scherer a former Viner and now a Youtuber. I was speechless at  first but managed to spea "uh H-Hi? W-What's up?" I stutter. He puts forth his hand holding what looks like a passport, I must have dropped it. "You left this back at security, I noticed it in the bucket when I put my wallet and keys in it, and I saw you make your way over here." He says smiling kindly at me. I couldn't help but notice his kind brown eyes and his beautiful smile. He chuckles a little to break the awkwardness and it snaps me out of my thoughts. "Oh uh thank you so much!" I say as I take my passport out of his hand. He smiles "Yeah it would have been pretty bad if you didn't have it."  

I smile at him and tell him thank you again and notice some of his friends starting to walk over to him. So that I didn't intrude I begin to board my flight handing the lady my ticket and showing her my passport. I find my seat, thankfully getting a window seat so I can see the beautiful view as I am hundreds to thousands of feet above the world and all my issues. I sit there for about 5 minutes and notice no one has sat next to me 'score!' I think to myself.  I end up taking a book out from my backpack and start to read. 

Not sure how much time had past and I must have been really fixed into because I jumped when I heard someone put their bags in the compartment above me. I look over and see its Corey. I smile knowing if I had to share a 5 hour plane flight it might as well be with a familiar face. He sits down beside me not even paying attention to who is there beside him. I figured I shouldn't bother him, he probably gets fangirled over everywhere he goes so I move closer to the window and open my book once again. 

Corey's Pov: 

I get on to the plane and try to find my seat, I finally find it but it appears someone took it. I was already tired and didn't want to cause a seen to I went to the nearest open seat. If someone comes to sit here I will just explain to the flight attendant the confusion. I put my bags in the compartment above the open seat and sit down. I get my laptop out of my bag and set it on the folding tray in front of me. I guess if this flight is going to be a long one might as well get some work done, right?  I listen to the pilot explain all the safety protocols again, even though I have heard them a hundred times before and pretend like I am paying attention to the flight attendants showing all the necessary things like the exit, how to use the oxygen mask and how to blow up the life vest. As we start to take off, I feel a bit of turbulence and all of a sudden someone grabs my arm. I jump, and look over to the side of me (I didn't even realize someone was beside me they were so quiet. I look to see who grabbed my arm and saw it was the same girl who I gave the missing passport to. I look at her and chuckle a little bit. "I am soo sorry!" she says quickly taking her hand off my arm. "Your all good, first flight?" I ask her. "Oh, no but flying scares the shit out of me, I hate it!" she tells me, almost mumbling to herself shyly. I examine her features, her (y/c) eyes and her shiny but soft looking (y/c) hair. She is beautiful. "I'm Corey by the way" I introduce myself. "I'm (y/n)" she says back. She shakes my hand, her skin is so soft and her hand fits perfectly in mine. Wait what am I thinking I just met this girl, she maybe a psycho for all I know. She looks at me and asks "So what are you doing?" nodding to my laptop in front of me. Does she really not know who I am or is she playing dumb. "I uh, well...I am editing a video, I'm a-" she interrupts me "A Youtuber? I know who you are, I just didn't want to come off as a fangirl... even though I totally am right now aren't I?" She says giggling. "When you handed me my passport earlier I noticed it was you, my best friends back home loved your vines and videos, I was always too busy for any of that." She gets quite "I'm sorry."

A True Friendship Reader x Corey SchererWhere stories live. Discover now