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The objective of the Arini is to, like Esperanto, create a language that could become the universal language, a way to communicate alternately, and so on.

Unlike Esperanto, Arini aims not to be a simple language at all, but to be a language that is complete. Esperanto having few phonemes, you lose many of the occasions, many of the phonemes of various languages, making it easily, an easy language to learn, but that will feel empty thanks to just that, being so simple.

For all the aforementioned, the approach is to have as many phonemes as possible, but, nevertheless, they are not only easy to pronounce, but they are also easy to differentiate from each other, to avoid allophones in some future.

Therefore, it is requested in the kindest or most cordial way, that no prohibition rules of any kind be made.

I will give you an example.

In Spanish, the consonant string of: «-np-» is prohibited; also with the vee, but, taking into account that the general Spanish considers it as homophonic letters, that is to say, that they have the same sound, it is alto more passable, and very different from the previous saying, which discriminates some word with this string , as it would naturally be: «centipede».

Thus, in many languages ​​it will occur. Recommendations will be made for basically "being easier to pronounce", but never a strict or close rule. After all, being a new language, it is normal, but, these words, I would like that if the language is lucky enough to have an academy as prestigious as the Royal Spanish Academy, or similar, take it into account.

The main rule is to avoid sounds that are very complicated to pronounce and that are very similar to each other, to the point of being unrecognizable without much practice.

This could be something like in some Mexican Hispanic dialect: "guero" and "huero." They would be transcribed as: /ˈwe̞.ɾo̞/ and /'ɡwe̞.ɾo̞/; respectively by the International Phonetic Alphabet (AFI).

Where for several people, they would pronounce exactly the same.

On the other hand, sounds very different from each other, such as / ʃ / and / ʂ /, are perfectly invited to be part of the phonetic system of this language, if required at any time.

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