chapter twelve

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It was Amanda at the door, telling Benny to hurry the fuck up so she could get to Monte's.

"We can pick Y/N on the way," She suggested, while out of your sight. You heard the thoughts inside Benny's head as he wondered whether or not to tell her that you were actually with him.

"No need," He breathed out, guiding Amanda to the main living room and going to pick up his beer. Benny pointed at you silently, as Amanda rounded the corner and came into view.

"Oh, Y/N!" She yelled, rushing forward to encase you in a large hug. "It's been so long—I felt like I'd lost one of my limbs when you weren't around last month," She slowly trailed off, as realisation hit her like a truck. You stood up with her, as Benny sent a smile your way. "Oh—was I intruding?"

"Well, actually—," Benny began, but you grabbed Amanda's wrist, diverting her attention to you.

"Of course, not. I only arrived a couple of minutes ago," You lied. You didn't want the added drama of having the others know that you and Benny were, technically, on a date. A date on New Year's Eve, arguably one of the major days for people confessing their feelings to each other.

It was all too cliché the more you thought about it. You didn't need people prodding you when it came to Benny, either. It was fine when Beth did it, because she knew the champion back to front—but you had a feeling not many people knew the side of Benny Watts that he'd chosen to show you wholeheartedly.

"We were just about to leave, weren't we, Benny?" You said, sending him a stern stare. Amanda was oblivious, as Benny downed his beer and went to grab his jacket.

"Yeah." He said bluntly. "Come on, then, ladies."

Benny was silent the entire way to Monte's, his hat hung low over his face. You tried to listen as Amanda chatted your ear off, but you were too focused on the back of his head. When you got the club, he perked up at the sight of the others—

Matt, Mike and Kayden were already there, a tray full of drinks in the centre of the table ready to go. You bunched up on the booth next to Matt, giving him a sideways hug as you caught up with everyone else. Mike had a girl on his arm, chatting in small, sexy whispers whenever she spoke in his ear.

The club was almost packed as it reached eleven at night. The music boomed, and once again you'd lost count at the amount you'd drank already. It didn't matter though—everyone was in the same boat, chatting, dancing, enjoying the final evening of 1968.

Amanda rushed back from the dancefloor, taking a seat on your lap and wrapping her arms around your neck. "I just danced with three guys. I don't know any of their names, yet—but that one—," She pointed to the dance floor, resting her gaze upon a tall, slender man with brunette hair and a chiselled jaw. "He said you were pretty."

"Pretty," You repeated, raising your eyebrows. You glanced at him, as he shuffled on the disco floor with two others. One of his friends saw you looking and pointed your way. His eyes hit yours as he smiled, showing of a set of perfect teeth. You looked away, embarrassment flooding over your cheeks.

"You should dance with him," Amanda said, but you were too concerned about Benny's stare on your neck. You grabbed your cocktail, shoving the straw in your mouth and looking to the table.

"I've never seen you act this shy before, Y/N," Matt spoke up. "Go bust a move. He might turn out not to be a psychopath,"

"Or he is one, but he's only killing people to show you how much he loves you," Kayden added, draping his hands over his heart and fluttering his eyelashes. You grabbed your straw and threw it at him jokingly.

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