Chapter 94

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I love this chapter and I have no idea why, I just love it :)

Auriga was bloody freezing. Her eyes opened and she found she was in the same place that she'd fallen asleep, but now in a different position. She was curled into Remus still, but now sat up with her knees to her chest. Her human knees. He had his arms wrapped around her, and her head was resting on his chest. It was now that he noticed she was awake.

"How do you feel?" he asked, his voice unusually raw but as calm as ever.

"Everything hurts," admitted Auriga. "And I think I might be sick. And I'm cold and tired."

Remus forced a chuckle. "Sounds like you're perfectly normal to me." Auriga closed her eyes again, allowing herself to enjoy the heat from him. "Sirius has just gone to get our things," said Remus after a while.

Auriga nodded, her neck stiff. "I don't know how you did that alone," she admitted.

Remus shifted a little. "Neither do I."

Ten minutes later and Auriga, Remus and Sirius were back at Oakenmore Way, knocking on the back door. It opened to reveal Molly Weasley, beaming at them. "Welcome back," she said warmly, the wand in her hand somewhat contradicting her tone. "Sirius, how did everyone find out about Remus and Auriga?" Oh, Merlin, thought Auriga as she rested her head against Remus's chest. She was too tired for this.

Sirius, however, answered the question with enthusiasm. "My dear cousin decided to put her lipstick all over his face." Molly nodded and admitted them, and Remus and Auriga collapsed into chairs at the table. "Would you look at that, Molly?" said Sirius, sitting opposite Remus. "She's gone and done it again!" Sure enough, Remus's cheeks were bright red. Auriga smiled faintly.

"I think we're going to rest up, a little," Auriga said, standing shakily from her chair. Was she going to be sick? It felt like it. And that breakfast that Molly was making really wasn't helping. It seemed that Remus agreed, because he climbed to his feet and placed a hand on her back, guiding her towards the stairs.

"Don't mind if you bump into Arthur," Molly called after them. "We've just taken the room next to yours." Auriga grinned faintly at that. Apparently Tonks hadn't been plucky enough to warn Arthur and Molly about 'the noises'.


Auriga lay in bed next to Remus, wide awake but wanting nothing more than sleep, feeling as though the soup she'd crawled downstairs for that evening was going to make its way back up. But that wasn't what was keeping her awake. From the floor above hers, she could hear Tonks and Merlin knows who else, having rather too much fun for the middle of the night. The bloody hypocrite. Remus shifted next to her.

"You can hear it too?" she murmured into the darkness.

"How could I not?" he said back, his voice sounding tired and defeated. "It's because of the moon," he explained after a moment. "It'll go away in a few days." Auriga closed her eyes, willing herself to sleep.

"I'm going up there," she decided. Usually, Remus would protest such a thing, but today it seemed like he was too sick and too exhausted to argue. He snuggled closer into his pillow as Auriga climbed unwillingly out of bed, igniting her wand once she was out in the hall. The stairs were opposite her door, and Tonks's room was the first one at the top of them. She knocked on the door wearily.

Tonks opened the door after a few minutes, her hair disheveled and a thin layer of perspiration covering her face. That was all she could see, because Tonks had only opened it a crack, but Auriga could see a lamp on inside. "Auriga!" she whispered, beaming and looking distracted. "Are you feeling alright?"

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