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"Welcome to Answer Hall, the show where you can ask questions to all your favourite celebrities and heroes. Today for the first time ever we have All Might joining us for an interview. We will be asking 30 questions randomly from our pools that we sent out." 

"Mr Might, welcome to our show and thank you for allowing us to interview you." Said the black haired host. 

"I would like to thank you, Fujiwara-San, for giving me the opportunity." Exclaimed the Symbol of Peace.

"I know it might've been a long journey to get here, how was your trip?" Asked Fujiwara.

"Well, it wasn't that long, I slept through most of it." All Might chuckled.

"Wouldn't we all, Mr Might." The host chuckled back. 

"Let's start with the first question." The host said. A beeping sound was heard, All Might and the host looked up at the board to see what the first question was. 

"Question number one, do you think anyone can be a hero All Might?"

"Of course, if they have the heart and determination they can do anything, even be a hero."

Beep, beep

"Next question is, what's your opinion on cybernetic prosthetics." 

"I have never heard of them, so I have no opinion on what they are." 

"Really? Never heard of them?" 

"Nope, I have never heard of them." 

Beep, beep

"Third question, have you heard of a boy named Izuku Yagi?" The host asked solemnly. 

"I have heard of him. He's the boy who rescued the missing girl from the child kidnapper. He must've been really great with his quirk to be able to do such a rescue." 

"Mr Might, you do know that he was quirkless? And the man... he choked the innocent boy to death after he got to the station." 

"Oh..." Toshinori felt a pain in his heart that was unimaginable, a boy, someone's son, died. A innocent boy was simply caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

"That boy is proof that heroes aren't just the Pro-Heroes, that even police and doctors, even a janitor can be a hero in their own way. We should all be like Izuku Yagi, may he rest in peace." 

"Indeed, may he rest in peace." 

Beep, beep

"What's your opinion on R-Sec Vacci-

The television got switched off as Inko went upstairs, ever since Izuku died things just weren't the same in the Yagi household. Her daughter hadn't come out of her room for weeks. 

Inko itched to go into Izuku's room, to see her beloved son's room one more time. But she held on, her husband had to come back home first. 

Inko burst into tears just thinking about her son, his smile, his freckles, his... 

Inko couldn't remember anything else, she

Inko begrudgingly walked by Izuku's room, and instead painfully went into her own room and got out an old photo album, as she looked through it, she just wanted to see her sons face one more time. 

The funeral had happened weeks ago, yet the pain was still fresh. Her son saved a child and died, it didn't matter if he was quirkless, he died a hero, the world was just cruel. 

She smiled as she saw the photo of her twins birth, the picture of them going to their grandparents for the first time. The first time Izuku took a step, she saw the photo of his first tooth, the time Izumi and Izuku played in the park, being drenched in mud. 

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