"I Fell"

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"In all seriousness i wanna know what you even saw in him even for that what- month you were with him i was his best friend for some years and would never." Amena says chuckling as if she didn't want the conversation to get to serious but wanting a real answer. Smiling at her question i traced my fingers down her bare spine and looked up to the ceiling .Honestly there wasn't a simple answer to the question that was in the air.Not realizing i was taking to long for her liking amena sat up in the bed and looked down at me as if there was a timer starting. Sitting up with her i sigh and get comfortable.

"I fell" I say simply shrugging it off knowing she wasn't going to be satisfied with the answer. I look over to a now pouting silhouette. Rolling my eyes sitting up more. "Its not a simple answer and i doubt you wanna hear the story behind me and Donovans short lived romance." I say looking her in the face. Noticing the tantrum starting to brew within the slim frame that was her chocolate body. I give in to her wants without even having to hear her beg for it even through ive come to love that sound.

"After you all left weir's house he and donovan asked me if i wanted to go grab something to eat given i be the driver.I take the offer cause you know how much i love food and how it tastes better free . The car ride there we talked about anime and random shit. Even in that small conversation he just kept seeming to peek my interest. It didn't help that when we got to the restaurant he went out his way to sit next to me so he could offer me tastes of his food even through i had so much of my own. Small touches against my leg with his gave me butterflies i didn't know i could have in such a short time. We headed back to weir's place and i had planned on dropping them off and being on my way. That was until weir pulled me aside and asked me to take donovan home since it was late ,cold and he would have so far to walk.Being the yes man i am clearly i agreed maybe even cause i wanted to be alone with him at that point i don't know.The whole car ride to donovans house we talked about the film crew and why we were just now meeting. Conversation seemed to come so easy that before i knew it we were already at his house.Thinking that was about to be our goodbye he couldnt even get in the house.Leaving me to wait outside till he figured it out.We ended up smoking in my car and the more the time passed our conversations got deeper and deeper to the point that he was telling me things about himself that he barley had admitted to himself before.He finally was able to go inside and instead of parting ways he asked me to come in not to do anything crazy just to watch anime.I don't know somewhere between the small touches ,the vulnerability he showed and the way it felt like we didn't just meet that day i guess you could say i fell. But you know he wasn't who he seemed to be he had a lying problem and anger issues that the devil himself couldn't match on his best day. So here we are i guess i saw in him what he didn't seem to see in himself but that's what i'm known for." I say staring off into the red lighting surrounding us in the room reminiscing on memories i'd rather had kept locked away . I can admit this wasn't my proudest moment or favorite ex to this day.

"Spark.........You are such a head ass." Amena says playfully pushing me happy that she got what she wanted out of me. Not being able to show my aggravation due to hearing the cute nickname she gave me that makes me smile every time it leaves her lips. I grip her neck with my hand and pulled her closer towards me kissing her lips, biting as i gently pulled away. "No more questions as fun as they are we have to head out we can't be late and we can't show up together either." I say getting up looking for my clothes among the pile of both our outfits for the day.

"Hand me my underwear." I reach down grabbing them and handed them to her already reaching out hand and finished getting dressed for myself. Double checking in the mirror that everything was on right and my hair was as neat as it could possibly be given recent actions. I look over to see amenas progress noticing she was ready before me. Not to my surprise considering she didn't have to worry about her hair given the lack of. Smiling i grabbed my keys and headed out the door to my car.Getting in buckling up and starting the car i did a last double check to make sure i had everything and didn't leave anything in her house. Driving off waiting till i was a good 10 minutes away from our destination to text her saying it was ok to head to our friend's house.

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