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Noah hasn't seemed himself lately, like at all. From the team's point of view, he's come in tired every day, like he's had no sleep, and he's never been able to focus, but for Richelle there's a lot more to it. He's been softer than usual, personality wise. He's been way more cuddley, he's seemed to need more affection and comfort, and he hasn't been talkative.

He's also been staying at her house a lot more. He doesn't mean to invite himself over, but he just goes with her every night after dance and doesn't leave until really late. Richelle thought this might be why he always looked so tired, but she's starting to think differently. He always texts saying he's home at around 11pm, and he doesn't wake up until around seven, sometimes even eight when he decides that he'll go to the gym that night instead.

But when he walks into rehersals two hours late with swollen eyes, making it clear he's been crying, everyone knows there has to be something up. This isn't like him.

"Noah what's wrong?" Richelle asks him as she runs over to him and hugs him.

"Rough night." He whispers.

"But what exactly happened? You've been crying, Noah you never cry. Bubs please tell me." She begs, hugging him even tighter, only to get shrugged off a second later.

"I'm fine, really. I haven't been crying, I just didn't get any sleep because I stayed up too long doing music and blah blah blah." He says, walking away before she can get another word out.

That was weird.

She watches as he goes over to the guys and says the exact same thing when they ask him what's up, almost as if it's a rehearsed speech, like he's been saying it to himself in the car the whole way here so he wouldn't stumble over his words and seem unconvincing.

He doesn't even officially start rehersal, like he forgot to do it, but everyone starts working on the choreo in groups anyway. After a while, though, he does call a break, so Richelle decides that maybe now he's danced and relaxed he'll tell her what's up.

"Noah," She says with a smile, following him into the locker room "are you coming over again tonight?"

"Can I?" He asks. She can see the hope in his eyes when he asks. Why does he want to come over so bad? Why won't he go to his house?

"Sure." She pecks his cheek and grabs her waterbottle from her locker, "On one condition, you tell me what's up."

"Richie it's nothing, really. I had an allergic reaction this morning to something so I was late, hence the fact my eyes were swollen and stuff."

Richelle raises her eyebrows, "So first you stay up doing music and slept in, and then you were off because you had an allergic reaction. Are you going to keep lying to me then?"

"Uh... well some stuff kinda happened at home- it's nothing serious. I'm overreacting to it all."

"Well, I'll trust you for now, but if it gets worse I'm here for you." She says more softly, her smile fading changing into one of sympathy, and taking his hand. He nods a little, refusing to make eye contact, and brushes her hand off before going to his locker. Anything to hide.

Hesitantly, Richelle turns around and starts to walk out of the locker room. She half expected him to call her name and tell her what's been going on with him lately, but it never came.
Richelle lies on her bed and starfishes across it, giggling when Noah tries to move her. Thankfully for him, he manages to do it and gets on the bed in time to lie down before she jumps ontop of him and nuzzling her head into his chest.

"You're heart is beating really fast." She mumbles, looking up at him and seeing an oddly calm look on his face, too clam, "You're nervous about something. What is it?" She asks gently, sitting up ontop of him so he can't move.

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