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"what was the first thing that crossed your mind when you saw me for the first ti--"

"huh?" you turned your gaze from the potatoes you were peeling for a mere second and shot a quick eyebrow raise at me.

"well that morning," i stepped on the bin's paddle, throwing in the mess you'd created in the kitchen. "that morning, when you saw me dance like a crazy person at 6 am in th-- what were you even doing there?"

you chuckled, shaking off a stray potato skin off the peeler. "i was enjoying the sunrise," patting your hands on the tea towel you moved towards the stove where the batata harrah was getting started, "what were you doing there?"

"no no don't stray away from my question, what was your first impression of me?" i remember i hurried to your side and shoved my face right next to yours, jokingly trying to intimidate you. of course that would never happen.

you tittered and looked up at me, pushing your face into mine -- planting a kiss on the apple of my cheek. "i thought you were weird and that i'd never see you again." you stated matter of factly, trying your best to keep a giggle from erupting.

"really?!" of course i didn't comprehend your joke which was a very silly joke that had me genuinely upset for those few seconds.

throwing the potatoes into the pan, you shook it before finally looking me in the eyes again. i probably looked upset because as soon as my expression processed in your head you tittered again placed your hand on the side of my head. "im kidding, besides the 'never see you again' part."

i frowned my lips and my eyebrows, gazing straight back into your eyes. i could never tell what was going on in there.

"i thought you were mysterious." i said, flicking your wrist to get your hand away from my face, "i also thought you were a serial killer looking for his next victim"

you gasped dramatically, placing a hand on your chest. since you weren't one express in dramatics often or express at all it was quite the amusing sight. "what made you think i'd try to kill you?"

"well the circumstances seemed right. woman, check. walking alone at an odd hour, check. it seemed like the most plausible outcome."

"you lucked out."


"you lucked out -- we lucked out." you had a dazzling smile on your face, a contagious one too since i could feel a smile mirror on my lips.

i did luck out, both of us did but like with most cases when it comes to luck we were running out of it.

that evening, we sat on your persian rug, lights dimmed to almost nothing and watched the cloud adorned city while we ate. i liked that apartment, it had these huge window panels that stretched from the ceiling to the floor -- you cant find those in the city anymore, not for that price.

"can you feel it's glare?" i mumbled, loud enough for you to hear.


"the city's"

"the city's?"

i nodded my head, "yeah, it has this menacing glare. i can't seem to get rid of it"

you were silent for a moment, "just glare back at it."

"glare back at it?" i looked out the window, eyes scanned every corner, every architectural detail of this clinquant city before i felt it again. that dull glare, almost like a judging leer.

"yeah, glare at it. it's just a bunch of concrete anyways"

a bunch of concrete. it truly was just a bunch of concrete and so i knitted my eyebrows together and i mustered up the angriest glare i could manage, "is this good?"

you glanced between me and the city -- very confused, "yeah ... this is good, is it working?"

the city roared at me, fiercely leering, clawing at me to go back to where i came from but i was happy where i was.

i was happy where i was.

my face relaxed abruptly, eyebrows still raised in awe. you looked at me awaiting an explanation while i just stared at your face and before i knew it, my hand was by your face. fingers gliding over every arch from your temple to your cheekbone and to your chin. you probably thought i'd gone looney, one minute i'm glaring at the city and the next i'm staring at you in awe but i couldn't help myself -- you were like a drop of heaven. 

"come with me" you muttered and i didn't respond. you said my name but i kept staring at you through my lashes. we knew where this was going, you didn't have to mutter anymore words and you knew it -- neither of us needed to say it. it's one of the most fantastical things about humans, even when we can't find the words we latch onto the feeling. 

the feeling of you was addicting, tantalising. it was mockingly appetitive. you knew it and you used it against me at any given chance but i don't blame you. to have a power like that ... it'd be foolish not to take advantage of. 

later, hours later, i gave you a kiss on the lips while you slept and whisked away on my journey to yet another school day. i danced by the river, got scolded by mrs. bryant? ms. brian? dozed off in class, yawned non-stop during lab and when the time came to see you again i danced out to the school's yard ready to meet your gaze. 

a/n: hello! hope you're all doing well and i hope you liked this chapter :D once again i didn't proofread it so sorry for any mistakes! i'll fix em once i start editing which will be soon hopefully 

vote and comment and thank you for reading! take care :D


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