Origin of the wings

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It was February 1st, 2021 when the world finally met its match. After years of humans battling with disease of the mind and corrosion of the heart, the universe finally decided that the human race needed to end the segregation it had created through its own social hierarchy and messed up construct. A new race, a superior race, would finally be created.

Humans had no warning that their final days were upon them, until the very moment the sky lit a burning amber red that stole the eyes of everyone on the sun facing side of the earth. The air grew thick and their skin began to peel as a blistering heat ran over the world. What was once a cool winter morning, turned into a deadly summer heat as showers of meteors rained down from the sky. The people ran in fear and panic as their bodies became one with the earth; death and famine soon becoming the worlds new plague. Few survived the day of raining sun, or so it was named, but those that did tried their best to live a life in pride and cherished the memories of those that died.

Due to the worlds decreased population and destroyed lands, the world was forced to join forces and live in unity in the new lands which formed after months of earthquakes and floods; This land was named Hayveren. This new land was founded only nineteen years after the day of raining sun and with this new land came a new order. In light of the new world order, a new system of rulers came to a head. The Law.

The law was part of a three-tier faction system. The Pearl Law ran the worlds new currency, the Corazon, and all foods and farming. The silver law ran the worlds transports and real estate. And the golden law oversaw the new court justice system and everything else in the world order.

One thousand years passed and still the world had not mended from the horror that day brought, but the tragedy finally made way for an era of peace and love between all those remaining on earth. Finally, the humans learned to love regardless of skin, gender or family origin. With this newfound acceptance the world began to heal and grow anew. Generation after generation was finally born again, and the world repopulated in a way never seen. Strange evolutions began to take hold with each year that passed.

First, children were born with vibrant and almost unnatural colours in their hair.

Second, markings began to appear on the skin of children born in areas closest to the meteor landing sites.

Finally, children were being born with strange mutations which gave them the features of animals which were once inhabitants of their respective regions.

Children born from the Australias took on features of some of the worlds most feared species. Snakes, spiders, even kangaroos and birds of all kinds reappearing in ways never seen. Children born with scales and long venomous fangs. Some born with many eyes and the ability to climb all kinds or structures. Children growing with legs stronger than grown men, able to jump ten feet in the air at the age of three. Babies born with the truest beauty, wings radiating all the colours of extinct birds that many had never been given the chance to see.

From the lands of Africa children were born with incredible speed and their skin holding golden markings. Some with strong claws and others with destructive jaws that could rip through anything they desired. Some had the ability to breathe under water, their skin scaled and slimy with webbed feet and luminous green eyes.

From Europe children were born with unique features as well. Some with horns like cattle and others with soft tails like foxes and dogs. Some had white wings like storks and others even had features of the smallest creatures. Spines like a hedgehog and stripes like a badger, masked faces like raccoons and flat tails like a beaver.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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