Chapter 2:Platform 9 3/4

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There were always hushed whispers as she walked onto the platform,from her first day in Hogwarts.People would talk to her until they heard Lestrange and suddenly someone was sick and everyone had to go mind them.

Maybe Her parents were lunatics who reproduced,her grandmother couldn't stand anyone who'd even been in the same room as a muggle and her uncle was locked up with her parents but that didn't mean she held any of the same beliefs,at least as far as they knew.

Then there was her aunts,her two favourite people in the world.Narcissa was quieter,less dangerous but was well able to fight her corner.Estella was the one who'd always fascinated her though,she was four when she moved in with aunt,after the birth of her second youngest child,Orion.

Moving in with the Nott's was completely different to what Cece was used to.Firstly there were a lot of children,Diana Nott,the eldest,was scarily witty,she knew more about the world than her own father and mother.Violet Nott was the most excited child Cece had ever met. Ursula Nott was cold and hated just about everyone she ever met,she reminded Cece of her grandmother,who could only be described with one word,unpredictable.Phoebe Nott was her father's twin in personality in every possible way.Alexander Nott rarely spoke and blushed if anyone even looked at him.Orion Nott seemed to know everyone's business without even knowing them and Magenta Nott was a girl who helped anyone or anything  she could,it's why the Nott's have so many pets.

" coming?"Cece's friend,Ophelia Parkinson,asked reaching out her hand to the girl.
"Yeah"Cece shook her head lightly to snap out of her daze.
The two raven headed girl walked down the train till the found Carina Nott,Jack's niece, Freya Fawley and Magnolia (Mags) Greengrass.

"There you are!"Freya smiled as they slid the compartment door open.
"So summer catch-up!"Carina exclaimed clapping her hands together .
"Uncle Jack's looking for someone to marry Vi off to"Cece laughed.
"Good luck to him"Ophelia snorted,Violet Nott was quite a handful,she was giddy,bouncy and highly opinionated.

"Pansy's got a little crush on Draco"Ophelia added
"On that fool?"Cece laughed at the thought of her over cocky platinum blonde cousin.
"Did your uncle ever sort out someone for Diana?"Mags asked entering the conversation.
"Yeah some Ravenclaw,glasses,hair"Cece nodded as the four girls around her erupted in laughter.
"Glasses?"Freya spluttered
"Hair?"Carina managed through her fits of laughter.

"What!"Cece cried
"C,that was hopeless,almost all the Ravenclaws have hair,I think"Carina told her as Mags added
"And a good majority have glasses"

"Well they came for dinner but I was out with the Flints so I didn't really see him"The raven head attempted to defend herself but it only had the four girls in more laughter.
"You guys are really confusing"

"Your not seriously going to marry Flint!"Mags exclaimed
"Well if I do it'll be for the family and nothing else" Cece told them,crossing her arms.

"As dutiful as ever I see" a male voice came from the door.Cece didn't even have to look up to know who it was.It was Andrew Fawley.Freya's older brother. 6th year.

Andrew Fawley was the boy Cece was bethroed to, organised by her Uncle Jack.
The Flints want her to marry their boy and Estella wants her to finish her education before she gets married.
" You make the best of your childhood independence sweet" is a usual phrase repeated by Estella Nott when Cece brought up her wedding.

"Get lost Andrew"Freya rolled her eyes as her brother sat down beside Cece in the already squashed carriage.

"You do know you're my favourite Lestrange"The boy smirked ignoring his sister as the raven head avoided eye contact.
"Last time I checked Fawley,I'm the only Lestrange you know"Cece replied looking in the opposite direction.
"What do you want Andrew"Freya tried

"I'm just hear to let Lestrange know that the boy who's parents are insane due to hers is on the train"Andrew had a glint of something in his eye as he fiddled with Cece's raven locks, a look that Freya couldn't make out.

"He...he's here?"Cece croaked reacting completely different then any of the five people in the compartment imagined.
"He's looking for his lost toad"Andrew told her as she continued to keep her back to him.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom"Cece said suddenly,half jumping from her seat.

"You can't avoid me forever Lestrange"Andrew called after her down the corridor.
"I can and I will"Cece yelled back not turning around.
"So hot" Andrew murmured under his breath
" Oh Merlin's beard Andrew do fuck off" Freya frazzled throwing her Transfiguration book at her brother and shooing him out of the carriage.

Thanks for reading
Maria x

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