Chapter.3 (Preparing for the Sportfestival)

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Izuku or now know with his new name Mikuno Akatani was training with his new friends Nana and Sarohiko.

It has already been a few weeks after Izuku entered U.A in the past. The three where training for the up coming sports festival that will take place in two weeks.

Izuku, Nana and Sarohiko always hanged out after school. Most of the time they would train together after school.

They also informed Recovery-girl or also know as Chiyo, she was a second year at U.A. when Izuku told her that he was from the future, the responds she gave was by almost fainting.

And now with Izuku, Nana and Sarohiko. They where currently doing a sparring match with Izuku against Nana and Sarohiko.

Izuku already fought Villians before, so he already had more experience then the two and he had more control over OFA then Nana so he was more powerfull then her.

While they where sparring, Izuku gave them tips on how they could improve there fighting style or on how to get more control over there quirk.

And that's not the only thing that was going on. In the last few weeks Izuku developed feelings for Nana and for Nana it's the exact same, but she has feelings for Izuku.

But the problem is... that they are both to dense to notice it from each other.

Sarohiko already noticed this but he didn't say anything, because he finds it fun to see his friends suffer and he laughs at them when they have akward moments.

So after the few hours of sparring they did, they stopped. The three of them then picked there own towwel to dry them self.

Nana and Izuku also both raised there percentage a good amount. Nana went from 13% to 17% control. Izuku also Guinee more control, he went from 25% to 27%. He didn't raise it as much as Nana, because he helped Nana more to get Control over OFA.

Sarohiko also became stronger, but that's to be expected when you train with two people that both have a powerfull quirk and a second suport quirk.

Also Nezu and Izuku spend time together to work on the time machine, they where still by designing tho, but that's to be expected when they have to make a time machine the size of an watch and to have enough durability to withstand OFA at a 100%.

Izuku also became quick friends with the other students and he got the pervert on a lach with the help of Nana and Sarohiko.

They where praised as real heroes by the class when it happend. Even Aizawa thanked them for it, because if the perv didn't stop he would of been expelled by him.

The three of them where sad when they heard that, because if they knew they wouldn't have done it. So the perv would be expelled.

Now back to Izuku wo was deep in thought, thinking about how he could his use of blackwhip while he was muttering.

Nana who was standing next to Izuku. Decided the best way to shut up his muttering was by kissing him, so she did without realy thinking about it.

When Nana parted again, she saw a beetred Izuku standing infront of him. Izuku then asks while stuttering:" w-why d-did-d y-y-you k-kiss m-me..?"

"Because you wouldn't stop muttering." Nana then replies. Izuku then says:" c-couldn't you think o-of an other w-way."

Nana responded with:" what didn't like it?" Izuku then replies with:" no that's not... i-i m-mean i l-liked it b-but still."

Sarohiko then thinks:' it seems that it won't be long anymore before there suffering comes to an end.... that's quite dissapointing, because i quite enjoyed it and with that i mean a lot. Still it seems the suffering for Izuku will be continuing although i find it funnier when it happens to Nana...'

"I'm just teasing you Izuku and hey if you liked it then i will glady give you more." Nana said this with a wink. Izuku went beetred again and steam was coming from his ears he then says:" i accept."

"What?" Nana then responds while gettin a small blush on her cheeks, because she didn't expect for Izuku to say anything.

'But this is also quite amusing.' Sarohiko then thought.

"I-i said i accept..." Izuku then says again. Nana then says:" i heard you, but i just didn't expect it from you Izu~."

"Can you do this some where else. Where i am not, like in Nana's bedroom or something." Sarohiko then says. Izuku then thinks:' i think that is a bit to much.. but knowing..... oh shit...'

"Isn't that moving a bit to quick?" Nana then says. Sarohiko responded with:" knowing you. You wouldn't say no if Izuku was the one to suggest it to you."

"There you are not wrong Saro." Nana then says. Izuku tries to say something only for no words to come out.

"Oh Izuku you agree to that as well why didn't you say earlier." Sarohiko then says. Nana then says with excitement:" well then, let's go Izuku!"

Nana then began to drag Izuku away to end of his virginity and her own at the same time. And it would happen at Nana's appartement, because she lives alone, her parents pay for the rent tho.

When they where out of site Sarohiko  then said to himself:" i am such a good friend and wingman."

"Well... let's find out where Chiyo is." Sarohiko then said while he began walking to find Chiyo.

《Scene change》

With Izuku and Nana. Izuku gave in and just went with the flow, so let's keep it family friendly and say that they did it.

To be continued

(Words 992)
(It's a short chapter but i promise that the next one will be longer.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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