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(I took this from my comment of the drabble on an "aesthetic playlist" video lol. This is the video, if anybody's curious: )

This library is a haven of infinite knowledge." He remarked with glee, albeit his joyful smile slowly faded into a melancholic frown . "Knowledge people refuse to accept and understand..." 

 I gave him a gaze of sympathy. "Can you tell me more about this library?" I asked him. And without a doubt, he swiftly made his way all over the large library, glancing over to each book he passes by. "This library has incredible historical value to it. Once a public library. One that was surely enjoyed by all." 

Reaching for a book, he flew down and handed it over to me. "You see... Most of these books are donations from all around the town. And as our slogan says," He motioned to the large banner that was hanged from the second floor. "Donate a book, donate knowledge."

(Fun fact: That slogan is actually the slogan I used for a contest at school when I was 12. I won first place with my slogan, but since apparently people hated me for no damn reason, I got bullied for it so my victory was quite short-lived...)

Donate a book, Donate knowledge [Drabble]Where stories live. Discover now