01 Down the Rabbit Hole

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Alice Kingsley fell down the rabbit hole.

Falling down a endless hole made it seem like getting proposed to by a man she doesn't love was the highlight of her day. She plummeted head first down the slender tunnel, her long blonde hair and dirty baby blue dress rippling due to the winds she was forming.

Alice curled into a ball, as if she was going to cannon ball into a pool. Except a pool did not await her.

Strange, and dangerous, objects stuck out from the hole's sides. Knives and swords and daggers and various sharp objects jutted out, all with the sharp ends pointing Alice. They would accidentally slit her dress and occasionally her skin. Her pretty blue dress was now dirty and torn, and her porcelain skin was now bleeding in several areas and was dirty as well.

She continued to fall down the hole, her face buried into her arms not wanted to see the horrors that awaited her. Then Alice finally hit a surface.

A mattress.

She bounced off the plush mattress causing her to lose her grip on herself and flail in the air. She wildly flailed her arms and legs in the air. She continued to fall once more and hit the ground with a loud smack.

Her body stung to her harsh landing, but she was in one piece. She didn't appear to have any broken bones so she assumed she was fine.

Alice pushed herself off the ground and onto her knees and began to look around the room that she had landed in. It was an elegant room, besides the large hole in the ceiling that she came out of. It had a white and black checkered tiled floor, which badly needed to be sweeped, a rusted chandelier with many many white candles that were halfway burnt on it, there were sever door around the room, curtains hung in various places on the walls, and there was a small glass table places in the center of the circular room.

Alice pushed herself onto her feet, ignoring the excruciating pain that followed. She carefully walked to the table and noticed that there was a key sitting on it. She whisked the key off the glass table and began to try to unlock all of the doors.

None worked

She pulled back a curtain and saw a small door. She tried the key in it.

It worked.

There was a problem. The door was was way too small for her to fit through.

She turned back towards the table and noticed that it had a bottle of wine sitting on top if it. It had a cork in the top with a ribbon tied around it that said "Drink me"

"Might as well," the 19-year-old said to herself as she uncorked the bottle and set the key back onto the table. It made a loud POP as the cork was removed. There was no glasses around so she simply drank from the bottle, not very proper but everything she had done that day wasn't very proper.

Once the liquid ran down her throat, something felt different. She placed the bottle back onto the table, and noticed that the room seemed to be getting bigger and her clothing was getting looser. That's when she realized she was shrinking.

She clutched her clothing, trying to keep it all on, even though no one was in the room. She crawled from underneath her dress and was left in just the slip that she had orginally worn beneath her dress.

Alice ran to the small door. She began to furious shake the door handle. It had locked itself shut once more.

She had left the key on the table.

Groaning, Alice turned back and attempted to climb the glass table.

Meanwhile, someone was watching her from a keyhole.

"You'd think she'd remember this from the first time she was here," a sickly sounding male voice reasoned.

"She's not the right Alice!" A squeaky feminine voice argued.

"I promise you, she's the right one," a another male voice assured them.

She gave up on climbing the table whenever she noticed a small glass chest beneath of one the table's legs. Alice pulled it towards her and opened it. There was a small red and black pill laying in the center of the box. Tied around it there was at ribbon that said, "Take me"

"Its just a dream," Alice assured herself then dry-swallowed the pill. She began to grow. Not to average height, no, she grew so tall that her head hit the ceiling. She crouched down, grabbed the key, and took a sip if wine. Coughing, she shrunk down once more.

With the key in hand, she ran to the small door and unlocked it. Alice opened the door and stepped into the unknown land.

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