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Some fought. Some accepted the terms. Some were even excited. 

In the end, it all looked the same to Ava Paige. The kids were to do as they were told, whether or not it took discipline. 

"You really expect us to believe that if you stick us in this virtual reality that we're suddenly going to have superpowers?" one kid, Newt, shouted. 

"Intense and extensive research has been done," Janson responded with strained calm as two guards grabbed Newt and dragged him towards the lab in which the kids would be put under in. 

The subject struggled, wrenching one arm away and using it to free the other. Ava shook her head. 

"This is all for a very good cause," she said, holding up a hand to prevent Janson and his quick temper from interrupting. Before Newt could make a run for it, the guards grabbed him again, latching a collar around his neck that seemed to stall him long enough for them to get his arms to his sides and haul him back towards the lab. 

"And what cause is that?!" Newt shouted. "I've seen those freaky tables! I've heard about the test subjects!" 

"The war," Ava said plainly, matter-of-factly. She allowed a half smile to grace her face. "And wouldn't it be cool to have superpowers?" 

"And if it doesn't work?" Newt asked finally, the fight draining quickly out of him. 

"It will," Janson said firmly. "We've done testing. We've done research. This will work." 


Newt was not the only one with doubts. None of the kids actually remembered the war firsthand. Only seen footage and glimpses of the wasteland in which they now lived. They'd been living and learning in WCKD since they were very young. 

Now they were ready to begin Phase One. 

The notion sounded ridiculous and outlandish at first, and, as demonstrated earlier, some of the kids were less than excited to be put into a virtual reality for long periods of time. 

But the war outside had exceeded many boundaries. Every country was involved and no one was spared. 

So research had begun to try and find a way to end it. Peace had been attempted several years ago, but it was too fragile and the fighting had broken out again not long after. So one side created WCKD. Their goal? Create a solution to end the fighting once and for all before the human race tore itself apart. 

Nuclear bombs had been discussed, but several had already been used and the destruction had been worse than they had anticipated. Several areas were completely uninhabitable due to nuclear waste and radiation from too many used in one space too soon. 

Any number of human guns or explosives had been ruled out as it would be too easy for the other side to get their hands on. The odds wouldn't tip in one or the other's favor and the death rates would climb higher than they already were. 

They needed some crazy idea that hadn't already been thought of. They needed to think outside of the box. 

That's when one of their head scientists discovered something inside of a young child. A dormant part of their brain that supposedly had the potential to be awakened in the right circumstances and gift them with supernatural abilities. 

It was crazy. It was outlandish. It was exactly what they needed. 

After further studies, they discovered that it was only in children that this dormant part of the brain was available for 'awakening'. As time went on and their brains developed, it would close off and the brain would recycle it for other uses. 

To prevent it from closing as they continued to research and prepare, they trained the kids. And as time went on, it looked as if it was working. 

But it wasn't enough. However, unable to send the kids out into the battle field without the certainty that their powers would manifest themselves in time, they needed a way to trigger them, to awaken that part of their brain.

And, with recent developments, WCKD also wanted to keep very close eyes on the prodigies to make sure they didn't rebel. 

So a virtual reality was created. One big game. After testing the virtual reality and putting a test subject under for several days at a time, they deemed it ready for use. The kids would be in the virtual reality for days at a time, undergoing intense trials to attempt to awaken their abilities. They would have each other, but any recollection of where they came from or how they got into the virtual reality would be unknown to them. They wouldn't actually know they were in a virtual reality. 

WCKD could pull the kids out of the virtual reality any time they wanted to. Memories would come back, and they would remember what had happened in the virtual reality. However, as soon as they were put back in, they would be put straight back where they left off unless previous circumstances forced them to rewind.

There was a hope that while in the virtual reality, the kids would find out what their superpower was. Once they did, it would become easier for them to manifest it in the real world. 

The only problem with this whole elaborate plan that WCKD had come up with was that they didn't know how long it would take. Ava had assumed that the gentler the trial, the slower their powers would be to manifest. They would start out slow, see how things went from there, then kick it up a notch every so often.

Some WCKD collaborators had disagreed with their methods. The scientist who had first come up with the idea was one of them. This contributed to the fear that the project would not be completed in the estimated time table. 

They needed to hurry.

And today was the day they were finally beginning their trials. 

Ava walked into the lab with Janson and couple of other WCKD guards on her tail. Scientists coupled with a soldier for reinforcement were directing the subjects to the pods in which they would be inserted into the virtual reality. The pods were designed to give the subjects nutrients and filter oxygen through for as long as they were under. They could only go for so long with that kind of nutrition, however, which is when they would be pulling them out of the virtual reality. 

Behind the pods was an observation room lined with floor to ceiling screens on every wall but the one the pods were up against. That wall was made of glass to make sure the pods were functional, stats and vitals displayed above each one. 

Their system was flawless, Ava noted with a hint of satisfaction. 

The first of the subjects was pushed into his pod, sweat glistening on his forehead. His eyes momentarily met Ava's and she gave him a tiny nod. This was for a good purpose. This would all be worth it. 

The pods made small hissing noises one by one as their lids closed on the subjects, the soft, anxious whispers that had been exchanged between them dying. Ava surveyed the room one last time as the final pod clicked shut, gentle blue light filling the room. 

"Excellent," she said, turning on her heel and heading towards the observation room. "Let the games begin." 

Virtual vs. Reality (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now