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I slammed on my alarm clock to shut it up. 6:00. I groaned and clumsily walked to my bathroom door just in the hallway, occasionally hitting the wall. When I reached the door, I turned the nob and walked in. I first went to the sink. I grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste, spreading the toothpaste on the brush after opening it. Once I got all I needed on it, I closed the lid and set it back on my counter. I turned the cold water on and ran my toothbrush through it for a little bit and then started to brush my teeth. I scrubbed my teeth for a while then spit and brushed my tongue after that I put my tooth brush up and wiped my mouth. I turned around and twisted the hot water nob in my shower on, so it could heat up while I got undressed. I stripped out of my pajamas and got in the shower. I instantly woke up the searing water hitting my skin as I rushed to turn the cold water nob. my morning.

After I washed my hair, I conditioned it, rinsing my hair in-between. I washed my face also rinsing it after and turned the water off. I walked out the shower and grabbed a towel out the cabinet under my sink. I patted my face with it before wrapping it around my torso. I walked down the hallway and into my room. I opened my closet door and walked in looking for my dance uniform since today we had a game. After all the rummaging through my closet, I finally located my uniform and placed it on my dresser. I dropped my towel, put on my undergarments, and then covered them up with my uniform. I turned my curling wand on and got my brush out.

As I was getting the knots out of my hair, I was looking in the mirror. I really need makeup. I finished brushing my hair making it look a smudge more decent. I put my brush back up and got my makeup out. I applied foundation, concealer, any other makeup I thought that would complete the look. After I got done, I put my makeup back in my makeup bag. I then started to curl my hair. Once the curling was done, I unplugged my wand and checked the time. 7:00. I walked down the stairs and into my kitchen. I could smell the sent of pancakes and bacon already.

"Goodmorning mom!" I said with enthusiasm.
"Goodmorning beautiful," she said calmly smiling at my presence.
I sat down at the bar waiting for my meal. She placed the plate in front of me and handed me a glass of milk.
"Thanks momma," I said satisfied with the food on my place.
After I was finished, I put my plate in the sink along with my cup and fork and kissed my mom's cheek before grabbing my keys and walking towards the door. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my book bag. I said goodbye to my mom as I turned the doorknob to leave. I walked out the door and unlocked my car with my keys. I approached the car then opened the back door. I threw my book-bag on the seat and closed the door. I opened the drivers door and sat in the seat. I shoved my key in the key holder thingy turning my car on and pulled out the driveway.

Maybe I should introduce myself. My name's Desiree. I'm 16 and in the 11th grade. I'm captain of the high school dance team. I guess you can say I'm the popular one. I guess that's all you need to know. Oh! Did I mention that my boyfriend is captain of the football team? Well, he is. He's star player, not bragging. His name is Layton. Anyways, I turned into the parking lot of Lankastier High. I pulled into a parking space and put my gear in park. I grabbed my book-bag from the back seat and turned my car off. I opened the door and closed it. I locked my doors and shoved my keys in my pocket. Time for hell. I walked through the front doors and went to the library to do my homework from the following day. I took out my iPhone 6 and texted Layton.

To Layton💞: where are you babe?

I put my phone in my back pocket, and I walked to the back table and pulled out the chair. I sat down, unzipped my book-bag, and took out my binder. I started with my algebra 2 homework. I did a couple problems then felt my phone vibrate.

From Layton💞: Hey beautiful. I woke up late and just got here. I'm coming to the library like the usual.😊

I smiled and set my phone down on the table. I finished my Algebra and started on Biology. I felt arms wrap around my shoulders, and I looked up.
"Hi," I said laughing.
He kissed my forehead and took a seat next to me.
"You know, I may be a jock, but I am pretty good at biology," he smiled cheekily.
I shook my head goofily and handed him my work. I smiled all my teeth showing. A couple minutes after he handed me it back.
"All done," he winked.
That's when the warning bell rung telling us we have 5 minutes to get to class or we'll be late.
"See you later Lay," I smiled pecking his lips before putting my stuff back in my bag.
I waved goodbye before walking out the doors and to first period.


I was focused on my pencil and paper doodling a picture of a boy and a girl swinging under an oak tree. The kids were around the ages of 5 and 6 smiling, not having a care in the world. I wish I could go back to where we were young and didnt care about how we looked or what we weared. No one judged you, and the only thing you wanted was for someone to share their crayons with you when yours broke. I never noticed how much better our younger lives were and dang if i could-

"Desiree," Mr. William called.

"Hmmm?" I answered looking up from my paper.

"Are you going to answer my question?"

"What question?" I shrugged while he glared at me.


I closed my notebook and smiled. Saved by the bell.I got up after i finished packing my things. I started walking towards the exit.

"Goodbye Mr.William," I said smirking and walked out his class.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I had two unread messages. One from my dad and the oher from Jessica, my mother's bestfriend.

From Daddy:Come home right after school! We have important news to share!

From Jessie: Did they tell you the news yet?

This kinda scared me. What was this "big news" that they had for me. I shrugged it off as i approached my silver 215 Honda Civic Si Coupe. I put the key in the door and unlocked it. When i sat down, I threw my book-bag over into the passenger seat and turned on my car. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and scrolled through my playlists. I smiled when I found the song I wanted. I set my phone down and put my gear into reverse exiting the parking lot. I turned the volume up once I got on the main road.

"Something big I feel it happening

Out of my control
Push and pulling, and it's grabbing me
Feel it in my bones
Like, wo-ah, wo-ah, wo-ah
Something big I feel it happening
Wo-ah, wo-ah, wo-ah
Something big, " I sang along.

I giggled to myself. As the song went off, I was entering my neighbor hood. I drove past a couple of houes until I saw mine. I pulled into the driveway and shifted my gear into park. I took my key out after turning it off and opened my door. I locked my car doors and walked towards my house. I turned the nob and opend the door.

"I'm home!" I shouted through the two story home.

I walked to my counter and set my keys on it. I saw my mom and dad at the dinner table laughing with each other and chatting about who knows what. I cleared my throat making it noticable that I was also in the room. They both turned around and grinned shwoing alltheir teeth.

"Desiree!" They said in sync their voices full with excitement

I furrowed my eyebrows. Oh my. I fake smiled.

"Sit! Sit" My mom said patting on the the end chair.

I walked their and sat down in obeyence.

"So whats up?" I questioned not knowing what was going on.

"Oh! Me and your dad got a promotion!" she shrieked as i began to smile, "and the best part is is that we get to go to Hawaii!"

My smile dropped. Hawaii? I don't want to go to Hawaii.

"Mommm!" I looked at her thhen over to my dad, "daddd. I can't move! I'm captain of the dance team! I can't just leave them! There is absolutely no way I am going to move!"

I looked over at the both of them standing up out of my chair. Tears were forming in my eyes. They better be bullshitting me.

"Well," my mom started.

"Well what," My voice getting more stern and hoarse by the minute.

"You can go stay with Jessica and her family," she cracked a smile.

I stood there right in my tracks.

If I stayed with Jessie, the rest of the Penningtons will be there also.

Which means I'd have to come face to face with Actual Satan.

Braxton Pennington.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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